全麥十穀吐司 10 Grains Whole Wheat Loaf Bread

材料 Ingredient

24兩吐司麵團 900g (2 lbs) Loaf Bread Dough 1 份 portion
使用"麵+全麥麵粉+穀類粉 (用10穀粉)"配方。
Use "White Flour + Whole Wheat Flour + Grain/Bean Flour (Use 10 Grains Flour)" recipe.
9"x5"x2-3/4" 烤盆 Loaf pan2 個 ea

2.每份麵團壓扁並擀成与模具同長的長方片(約23cm x 50cm)。將麵皮從短向捲成圓桶狀。
3.加熱烤箱到100˚F (38˚C)後熄火。麵團放進烤模內,輕壓麵團鋪滿烤盆底部,上面再噴些水。把一杯滾水和模具放進烤箱,讓麵團發酵到充滿整個模具,約75分鐘。最後15分鐘時拿出模具,烤箱加熱到350˚F (175˚C)。

1.Squeeze the air out of the dough. Divide the dough in half and form each to a ball. Cover the dough balls with a piece of plastic food wrap. Let it rest for 5 minutes.
2.Press the dough ball and roll it into a 9“x20" rectangle sheet. Roll the dough from one end (narrow side) to the other.
3.Heat the oven to 100˚F (38˚C), then turn off the heat. Place the dough into the loaf pans. Gently press the dough to fill up the bottom of the pan. Put one cup of boiling water and the loaf pans in the oven and let the dough rise until the dough fill up the pans, about 75 minute. At the last 15 minutes, remove the pans from the oven. Pre-heat the oven to 350˚F (175˚C).
4.Bake on the middle rack of the oven for 35 minutes.
5.Take out the pans. Transfer the bread loaf to a cooling rack and cool completely before slicing. Store the bread in the freezer if not serving soon.

最後更新 (Last Update): 05/18/2014
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