材料 Ingredients
1. | 將野菇用濕紙巾擦乾淨後去蒂再切成粗條或厚片。 |
2. | 把1大匙油橄欖油,紅蔥頭末和大蒜末放進加熱的炒鍋內爆香。再加入牛油,野菇,鹽,胡椒和辣醬油,用中火不斷翻炒到野菇變軟,最後拌入碎巴西里葉。 |
3. | 把炒好的野菇放在濾网上濾乾水份,再後拌入碎巴西里葉。 | 4. | 烤箱預熱到400°F (200°C)。 |
5. | 法國麵包切成1cm厚小片,共需12片。 |
6. | 每片麵包刷上薄薄層橄欖油後放進烤箱烤2分鐘。 |
7. | 取出麵包。每片麵包上放1.5大匙野菇料,再撒上1大匙帕梅善起司。 |
8. | 麵包放進烤箱,用上火烤到起司融化即可。 |

1. | Wipe the mushrooms clean with damp paper towels. Remove the tough stems and chop the mushrooms into thick strips or slices. |
2. | Add 1 tbs of olive oil, shallot and garlic into a heated pan. Sauté until aromatic. Stir in the butter, mushrooms, salt, black pepper and Worcestershire sauce. Consistently stir until the mushrooms are soft. |
3. | Place the mushroom mixture on a sieve and drain the excessive liquid. Finally mix in the minced parsley. | 4. | Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). |
5. | Cut the bread into 1cm thick slices. Need 12 slices. |
6. | Brush each slice of bread with a thin layer of olive oil then bake in the oven for 3 minutes. |
7. | Top each bread with 1.5 tbs of mushroom mixture then 1 tbs of parmesan cheese. |
8. | Place the bread on a baking sheet. Boil until the cheese is melted. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/28/2015
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