Imagawayaki (Wheel Pie)
Note: Please refer to Sweet Fillings for more filling options.
1. | Place the eggs, sugar and salt in a bowl; whisk until the sugar is dissolved and the color of the eggs is lighter. Add the vanilla extract, honey and cooking oil. Mix until well blended. |
Sift the cake flour, all-purpose flour and baking powder into a mixing bowl. | |
Add the milk. Gently fold the mixture until the batter is smooth without lumps – do not over mix. | |
Cover the batter and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. | |
2. | Prepare the Red Bean Filling or Adzuki beans sauce. |
3. | Heat the wheel pie mode then brush with little oil. |
4. | Turn the heat to low. Pour the batter into half of the cups until reaching 2/5 of the height. I use a 6-cup pan so I pour the batter into 3 cups first. While the edge of the batter is bubbling, use a small rolling pin to move around each cup so the batter will be pushed up to the edge. |
5. | Pour the batter into the rest of the cups 2/5 full. While the edge of the batter is bubbling, use a small rolling pin to move around each cup then add 1/3 cup of the red bean filling to each cup. |
6. | Check the first half of the batter. Pick up the cakes with a skewer after their bottoms are golden brown. Serve the cakes as lids and place them over the second half of the batter. |
7. | Continue cooking over low heat until the cakes are golden brown on the bottom. Transfer them to a plate. |
8. | Repeat steps 3-7 for the remaining batter and red bean filling. |

車輪餅 (今川焼)
註: 請參考甜餡有更多的內餡選擇。
1. | 將蛋,糖和鹽放進盆裡用打蛋器打到糖完全溶化,蛋顏色變淡。加入香草精,蜂蜜和食用油用拌勻。 |
將低筋麵粉,中筋麵粉和泡打粉一起過篩到盆裡。 | |
加入牛奶。輕輕攪拌到沒有麵粉粉粒,不要過度攪拌。 | |
蓋上保潔膜靜置至少30分鐘後再使用。 | |
2 | 再準備紅豆餡或無油紅豆醬。 |
3. | 車輪餅模燒熱後,抹上少許油。 |
4. | 開小火。將麵糊倒入一半的模型中,約4分滿。我用的是6個餅的模具,所以先將麵糊倒入3個餅模中。待麵糊邊邊開始起泡泡,用擀麵杖在麵糊裡畫圈圈,將麵糊擠到模具邊緣。 |
5. | 將麵糊倒入另一半的模型,約4分滿。同樣地待麵糊邊邊開始起泡泡,用擀麵杖在麵糊裡畫圈圈,將麵糊擠到模具邊緣。然後這一半的模具裡各加入1/3杯紅豆。 |
6. | 檢查先前一半的麵糊,底部呈金黃色後用長竹籤挑起來覆蓋住後一半裝了紅豆餡的麵糊。 |
7. | 繼續用小火烘熟並底部呈金黃色。取出裝盤。 |
8. | 重複步驟3到7將剩餘的麵糊和紅豆餡做完。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/23/2020
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