全麥餐包 Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls

材料 Ingredient

24兩吐司麵團 2 Lbs Bread dough 1 份 portion
Use "White Flour + Whole Wheat Flour" this time.
蛋(可免) Egg (optional) 1 個 ea
芝麻(可免) Sesame seeds (optional) 2 大匙 Tbs
13"x10.5"x2" 烤盤 baking pan1 個 ea

1.準備好24兩麵包麵團 。壓出空氣後等分成16份,每份滾成球狀。
2.加熱烤箱到100˚F (38˚C)後熄火。將麵團平均地擺進烤盤,上面再噴些水後蓋上乾淨的廚用毛巾。
3.烤箱裡也噴些水。將烤盤放進烤箱,讓麵團發酵到兩倍大,約60分鐘。最後15分鐘時拿出烤盤,烤箱加熱到350˚F (175˚C)。
4.蛋打散。取出烤盤,麵團表面塗上蛋汁﹐再撒上芝麻。 此步驟可省略。

1.Prepare the 2 Lbs. Bread Dough . Punch out the air and divide the dough into 16 equal pieces. Form each piece to a ball.
2.Preheat the oven to 100˚F (38˚C) then turn off the heat. Arrange the dough pieces evenly on the baking pan. Spray the dough and oven with little water. Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel.
3.Place the dough in the oven and let it proof until doubles its size, approx. 1 hour. At the last 15 minutes, remove the pans from the oven. Pre-heat the oven to 350˚F (175˚C).
4. Beat the egg. Remove the dough from the oven. Brush the dough with the egg and sprinkle with some sesame seeds. This step can be omitted.
5.Bake on the middle rack of the oven for 23 minutes.
6.Store the rolls in the freezer if not serving soon.

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/07/2017
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