材料 Ingredients
Note: Bird eye's chili is same as Thai chili. You can substitute it with other chili. Please adjust the quantity of the chili as desired.
1. | 參考烤彩椒將紅椒烤黑去皮。大蒜和紅蔥頭去皮。辣椒去蒂去籽。 |
2. | 把所有材料放進食物處理機打勻即可。 |

1. | Refer to Roasted Pepper to roast and peel the red pepper. Peel and garlic and shallot. Remove the stem and seeds of the Thai chili. |
2. | Place all the ingredients in a food processor. Blend until smooth. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/24/2017
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