材料 Ingredients
Note: Please adjust the quantity of water based on the type of rice you use.
1. | 雞腿肉切成2.5cm小塊後拌上2大匙醬油醃10分鐘。糙米洗乾淨後濾乾。 |
2. | 準備好麻油薑醬汁。 |
3. | 將麻油薑醬汁A中的薑絲和菜籽油先再鍋裡煸香,後加入麻油薑醬汁B中的2大匙麻油和雞肉用中火炒到雞肉變白。 |
4. | 加入野菇,糙米,麻油薑醬汁材料C和水並翻炒均勻並煮滾。 |
5. | 加蓋用中小火將米煮熟。或轉移到電鍋內依照電鍋使用指示煮熟。 |
6. | 將煮熟的飯用飯匙或叉子翻鬆,再拌入蔥花。 |

1. | Cut the chicken thigh into 1" cubes. Mix the chicken with 2 tbs. of soy sauce and marinate for 10 minutes. Rinse the brown rice then drain the water. |
2. | Prepare the Ginger Sesame Oil Sauce. |
3. | Add the ginger and canola oil from the Ginger Sesame Oil Sauce Part A to a heated wok and pan-fry until aromatic. Place in 2 tbs. of sesame oil and chicken and sauté until the chicken turns white. |
4. | Add the wild mushrooms, brown rice, part C from the Ginger Sesame Oil Sauce and water. Mix well and bring the mixture to a boil. |
5. | Reduce the heat to medium low. Cover and cook until the rice is done. Or you can transfer the mixture to a rice cooker and cook by following the instruction of the rice cooker. |
6. | Fluff the cooked rice with a rice paddle or fork and stir in the minced scallion. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 02/08/2018
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