醬汁材料 Sauce Ingredients
肋眼牛排 (1公分厚) Ribeye steak (1cm thick) | 2 | 塊 piece |
鹽 Salt | 3+1/2 | 小匙 tsp |
特級初橄欖油 Extra virgin olive oil | 1+1 | 大匙 Tbs |
牛油 Butter | 1 | 大匙 Tbs |
西蘭花 Broccoli floret | 6 | 朵 ea |
玉米(小段) Corn (small segment) | 4 | 段 ea |
胡蘿蔔片 Carrot Slice | 4 | 片 Slice |
義大利麵 Spaghetti | 2 人份 | for 2 people |
蛋 Egg | 2 | 個 ea |
1. | 將6朵洋菇和洋蔥放進食物處理機打碎。剩餘的6朵洋菇切成薄片。另燒開半鍋水後加入3小匙鹽準備煮麵。 |
2. | 準備黑椒醬汁 ,將其中1/2小匙芡粉改成1-1/2大匙麵粉。 |
3. | 將打碎的洋菇,洋蔥, 1大匙牛油,番茄膏,1/4小匙鹽和黑椒醬汁A部份放進燒熱的小鍋裡用中火炒3分鐘。 |
4. | 加入洋菇片,黑椒醬汁材料B,番茄醬和高湯煮滾後,用小火繼續煮到醬汁變成濃稠,約5分鐘。放在一邊備用。 |
5. | 煮醬汁的時候,將義大利麵放進滾水裡依照包裝指示煮熟。撈出麵條放在一邊備用。 |
6. | 將玉米和胡蘿蔔放進煮麵的水裡煮2分鐘,再放進青花菜煮2分鐘。撈出蔬菜放在一旁備用。 |
7. | 將1/2小匙鹽均勻地撒在牛排兩面。鍋子燒熱,加入1大匙橄欖油和1大匙牛油後放進牛排煎到7分熟 (每面大約2分鐘)。將牛排裝盤用錫箔紙包住後靜置5分鐘。 |
8. | 鍋子燒熱,加入1大匙橄欖油和蛋。將蛋煎成荷包蛋。 |
9. | 鐵板燒熱後,依序加入麵條,牛排,蔬菜和荷包蛋。最後再淋上黑椒蘑菇醬汁。也可以直接裝盤,不用鐵板。 |

1. | Finely chop 6 each of button mushroom and onion with a food processor. Cut the rest of mushroom into thin slices. Boil half pot of water and add 3 tsp. of salt for spaghetti. |
2. | Prepare the Black Pepper Sauce – replace ½ tsp. of corn starch with 1-1/2 tbs. of flour. |
3. | Add the chopped mushroom, onion, tomato paste, 1 tbs. of butter, ¼ tsp. of salt and the part A from the Black Pepper Sauce in a heated sauce pan and sauté for 3 minutes. |
4. | Add the mushroom slices, ketchup, chiecken stock and part B from the Black Pepper Sauce and cook bring the mixture to a boil. Continue to cook over low heat until the sauce is thick, approx. 5 minute. |
5. | Meanwhile cook the spaghetti by following the package instruction. Set the noodles aside. |
6. | Add the corn and carrot into the water that is used for the noodles and cook for 2 minutes. Add the broccoli and continue to cook for another 2 minutes. Drain the water and set the vegetables aside. |
7. | Spread ½ tsp. of salt all over the steak. Heat the pan and add 1 tbs. of olive oil and 1 tbs. of butter. Pan fry the steak until medium done (approx. 2 minutes on each side). Plate the steak and cover with foil paper and let it sit for 5 minutes. |
8. | Make two sunny side up eggs with 1 tbs. of olive oil. |
9. | Heat a cast iron plate then sequentially add the noodle, steak, vegetable and egg. Ladle the sauce over the steak and noodles. If you don't have a cast iron plate, place the food on a plate. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 05/26/2018
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