材料 Ingredients
1. | 雞腿肉用雞肉基本醃料醃至少2個小時。 |
2. | 平底鍋燒熱後放進雞腿肉煎到兩面都呈金黃色,每面約3分鐘。煎時每面撒上些許墨西哥醃料。 |
3. | 盛出雞肉放在一旁靜置5分鐘。 |
4. | 原鍋用紙巾抹乾淨。加入1大匙橄欖油,紅椒,黃椒,青椒和洋蔥用中火炒1分鐘。將雞肉流在盤底的肉汁倒進鍋裡再炒1分鐘。 |
5. | 雞肉切成粗條。 |
6. | 鐵板燒熱後放上炒蔬菜和雞肉。食用時可佐以墨西哥餅,燉黑豆,墨西哥飯,莎莎醬,酪梨醬,酸奶油,起司 …等。 |

1. | Marinate the chicken thigh with the Basic Chicken Marinade for at least 2 hours. |
2. | Add the chicken to a heated pan and pan-fry until golden brown on both sides, approx. 3 minutes each side. While cooking, sprinkle each side of the chicken with some Mexican marinade. |
3. | Plate the chicken and let it sit for 5 minutes. |
4. | Clean the pan with paper towels. Add 1 tbs. of olive oil, red pepper, yellow pepper, green pepper and onion and sauté over medium heat for 1 minute. Add the juice that comes from the cooked chicken and cook for another minute. |
5. | Cut the chicken into thick strips. |
6. | Heat a cast iron plate. Place the sautéed vegetables and chicken on the plate. Serve the dish with tortilla, black beans, Mexican rice, salsa, guacamole, sour cream, cheese…etc. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 06/05/2018
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