材料 Ingredients
1. | 將 排骨湯頭 準備好。 |
2. | 牛蒡洗乾淨後用刀背刮去外皮,再切成2.5cm小塊。切好的牛蒡要馬上放進醋水(1大匙醋+3杯水)中,以免發黑。白蘿蔔和胡蘿蔔削皮後也切成2.5cm小塊。玉米清理乾淨後切成2.5cm小段。每朵香菇則切成4份。 |
3. | 將排骨湯頭燒滾後放入白蘿蔔,胡蘿蔔,牛蒡,香菇和玉米。待湯再滾後將浮在湯上的泡沫渣滓撇掉。 |
4. | 加入鹽加蓋用中小火煮20分鐘即可。 |

1. | Prepare the Spare Rib Soup Base . |
2. | Wash the burdock root and scrape the skin off by using the back of a knife. Cut the burdock root in to 1" chunks then place it into a bowl of vinegar water (1 tbs. of vinegar + 3 cups of water) to prevent it from turning black. Peel and cut the daikon and carrot into 1" chunks. Cut the corn into 1" segments. Cut each shiitake mushroom into 4 equal pieces. |
3. | Bring the Spare Rib Soup Base to a boil. Add the daikon, carrot, burdock root, mushroom and corn. While the soup is boiling again, skim off the foam at the surface of the soup. |
4. | Add salt. Cover and cook in medium-low heat for 20 minutes. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/12/2018
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