五行蔬菜湯 Five Vegetables Soup

材料 Ingredients
白蘿蔔 Daikon1/4 根(中) medium
胡蘿蔔 Carrot 1 根(小) small
牛蒡 Burdock root1 根(小) small
香菇 Shiitake mushroom4 大朵 large
玉米 Corn1 根 ear
鹽 Salt 1 小匙 tsp
排骨湯頭 Pork spare rib soup base 6 杯 cup

1. 排骨湯頭 準備好。

1.Prepare the Spare Rib Soup Base .
2.Wash the burdock root and scrape the skin off by using the back of a knife. Cut the burdock root in to 1" chunks then place it into a bowl of vinegar water (1 tbs. of vinegar + 3 cups of water) to prevent it from turning black. Peel and cut the daikon and carrot into 1" chunks. Cut the corn into 1" segments. Cut each shiitake mushroom into 4 equal pieces.
3.Bring the Spare Rib Soup Base to a boil. Add the daikon, carrot, burdock root, mushroom and corn. While the soup is boiling again, skim off the foam at the surface of the soup.
4.Add salt. Cover and cook in medium-low heat for 20 minutes.

最後更新 (Last Update): 07/12/2018
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