排骨湯頭 Pork Spare Rib Soup Base

材料 Ingredients
豬小排骨 Pork spare rib 2 磅 lb (900g)
水 Water12 杯 cup
酒 Cooking wine 1 大匙
蔥 Scallion 1 支 stalk
薑 Ginger3 片 slice



1.Wash the scallion and cut it in half. Ask your butcher to cut the spare rib against the bones into 4cm wide strips. Cut the spare rib strips in between the bones into small pieces.
2.Place the spare ribs into a soup pot, add water until the water covers the spare ribs. Bring the water to a boil.
3.Drain the water. Rinse each piece of spare rib under running water. Also wash and clean the soup pot.
4. Place the spare ribs, 12 cups of water, scallion, ginger and wine in the pot and bring the mixture to a boil. Skim off the foam at the surface of the soup. Turn the heat down to low, cover and simmer for 45 minutes. Discard the ginger and scallion.
5.Wait until the soup cools down. Store the soup in a refrigerator until the fat on top of the soup becomes solid. Get rid of the fat.


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最後更新 (Last Update): 07/12/2018 :)
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