材料 Ingredients
1. | 將排骨湯頭準備好。 |
2. | 番茄去皮去籽。紅蘿蔔和馬鈴薯削皮。芹菜和包心菜洗乾淨。洋蔥去皮。將所有材料切成一樣大小。 |
3. | 將排骨湯頭燒滾後放入番茄﹐紅蘿蔔﹐馬鈴薯﹐包心菜﹐洋蔥和芹菜。等湯再滾後﹐將浮在湯上的泡沫渣滓撇掉。若喜歡芹菜脆脆的﹐等煮到最後10分鐘再放。 |
4. | 加入鹽和番茄醬加蓋用中小火煮 20 分鐘即可。 |

1. | Get the Spare Rib Soup Base ready. |
2. | Seed and skin the tomato. Peel the onion, carrot and potato. Wash the celery and cabbage. Cut all the ingredients into the same size. |
3. | Bring the Spare Rib Soup Base to a boil. Add the tomato, carrot, potato, cabbage, onion and celery. When the soup is boiling again, skim off the foam at the surface of the soup. If you like the celery crunchy, add the celery 10 minutes before turning off the heat. |
4. | Add salt and ketchup. Cover and cook in medium-low heat for 20 minutes. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/21/2013 :)
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