材料 Ingredients
1. | 將水和鹽在鍋裡燒滾後,慢慢加入玉米粉,邊加邊攪拌到滑順沒有結塊。 |
2. | 轉小火繼續煮到你喜歡的稠度,大約5分鐘,要不時攪拌。 |
3. | 熄火後加入牛油和8大匙帕梅善起司。攪拌到牛油和起司完全融化。加蓋靜置5分鐘使其變稠。 |
4. | 裝盤後撒上剩餘的2大匙帕梅善起司。 |

1. | Add the water and salt in a large pot and bring the mixture to a boil. Gradually add the polenta into boiling water, whisking constantly until there are no lumps. |
2. | Cook over low heat until the polenta reaches desired thickness, approx. 5 minutes. Stir frequently. |
3. | Turn off the heat. Add the butter and 8 tbs. of Parmesan cheese. Stir until the butter and cheese are melted. Cover and sit for 5 minutes. |
4. | Plate the polenta and sprinkle with 2 tbs. of Parmesan cheese. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/24/2018
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