章魚沙拉 Octopus Salad (Salata od Hobotnice)

材料 Ingredients
冷凍熟章魚塊 Frozen cooked octopus pieces1 磅 lb (450g)
大蒜泥 Garlic (grated)1 小匙 tsp
紅洋蔥(切細丁) Red onion (small diced)1/4 杯 cup
小蕃茄(切4等份) Cherry Tomato (quartered)1/2 杯 cup
續隨子酸豆 Caper 1 小匙 tsp
特級初炸橄欖油 Extra virgin olive oil1/3 杯 cup
紅酒醋 Red wine vinegar1/4 杯 cup
新鮮檸檬汁 Fresh lemon juice2 大匙 Tbs
扁葉巴西利(切碎) Flat leaf parsley (minced) 1 大匙 Tbs
鹽 Salt1/3 小匙 tsp
黑胡椒 Black pepper1/4 小匙 tsp

註: 要選用經過軟化處理過的章魚。
Note: Select tenderized cooked octopus.


1.Defrost, rinse and cut the octopus into bite size. Boil a 2/3 full pot of water. Add the octopus and cook for 25 seconds. Drain the water and set the octopus aside for cooling down.
2.Mix the octopus with the remaining ingredients in a bowl. Cover and store in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/24/2018
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