材料 Ingredients
1. | 中卷處理乾淨後切成1.6cm x 1.6cm小塊。見 (魷魚/花枝/烏賊處理)。 |
2. | 米略為沖洗後濾乾。海鮮番茄高湯在小鍋裡煮滾後關成最小火保溫。 |
3. | 將橄欖油,洋蔥丁,鹽和黑胡椒放入加熱的炒鍋,炒到洋蔥變透明。倒進白酒,小卷,大蒜末和米拌勻。用中火煮到液體已收乾,要不停攪動。 |
4. | 加一大鍋勺的高湯到鍋裡與米拌勻後,持續攪拌直到高湯全部被米吸收。重複此步驟直到海鮮高湯剩下一鍋勺。 |
5. | 加入墨魚黑汁和剩餘的高湯到鍋裡與米拌勻後關成小火煮5分鐘,要不時攪拌。 |
6. | 熄火。加入帕梅善起司粉和巴西利葉拌勻即可。 |

1. | Clean and cut the squid into 0.5" x 0.5" pieces. Refer to (Handle Squid). |
2. | Rinse the rice and drain. Boil the seafood stock in a small sauce pan then turn the heat to the lowest to keep the stock warm. |
3. | Add olive oil, diced onion, salt and tsp. of black pepper in a heated pan. Sauté until the onion is translucent. Mix in the white wine, squid, minced garlic and rice. Cook over medium heat until the wine is absorbed, stir consistently. |
4. | Add one ladle of the warm stock to the pan and stir consistently until it is absorbed by the rice. Repeat this step until the stock is one ladle left. |
5. | Turn the heat down to the low. Add the squid ink and the rest of stock. Cook for another 5 minutes, stir consistently. |
6. | Turn the heat off. Mix the minced parsley and Parmesan cheese with the risotto. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/24/2018
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