材料 Ingredients
1. | 將青江菜直切成四瓣 (小的話對半切)。 將菜放在水龍頭下沖洗﹐菜心的部份尤其要留意。 |
2. | 將金針菇底部切掉﹐略為沖洗一下。 |
3. | 炒菜鍋加水到一半的地方﹐用大火燒滾。 另外準備一盆冰水。 |
4. | 將洗好的青江菜放進滾水內燙30秒後馬上撈出放入冰水內。 等菜都涼透後﹐濾乾放在一旁備用。 |
5. | 將清炒醬汁準備好。 |
6. | 炒鍋內燒熱2 大匙油﹐倒入青江菜快炒15秒。 |
7. | 倒入清炒醬汁﹐高湯及金針菇﹐繼續煮1分鐘﹐或到你喜歡的軟度。 |

1. | Cut the spoon cabbage lengthwise into four parts (If the spoon cabbage is small, cut into halves). Wash spoon cabbage under running water, pay extra attention to the heart part. |
2. | Cut off the bottom of the enoki mushrooms and wash them roughly. |
3. | Heat half pot of water until boiling. Fill a big bowl with water and ice. |
4. | Place the spoon cabbage into the boiling water and blanch for 30 seconds. Transfer the spoon cabbage to the ice water immediately. Wait until the spoon cabbage is completely cool down and drain the water. |
5. | Prepare the Light Sauté Sauce. |
6. | Heat 2 tbs of oil in a wok, Add the spoon cabbage and sauté for 15 seconds. |
7. | Add the Light Sauté Sauce, stock and enoki mushrooms, continue cooking for 1 minute, or until reaching the desired tenderness. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/13/2013
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