(Cong-You-Bing) Scallion Pancake
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1. | Prepare the Half Boiled Dough; divide it into 4 pieces and form each piece into a ball. Grease the balls with olive oil; cover with a piece of plastic wrap and rest for 20 minutes. |
2. | Mix the remaining olive oil with the sesame oil, salt, white pepper and flour. |
3. | Roll out one piece of dough into a 25cm x 15cm (10"x6") sheet. |
4. | Brush the dough sheet with 1/4 of the oil mixture then sprinkle with 1/4 of the minced scallion. |
5. | Roll up the rectangular dough lengthwise to form a tube. Hold two ends of the dough tube; gently shake and pull until the tube reaches 45cm/18" long. Coil the dough tube to form a spiral; tuck the end under the bottom. |
6. | Cover the spiral dough with plastic wrap and rest for 15 minutes. Roll out the dough into a 25cm/10" round disk. Repeat step 3-6 for the rest of 3 dough balls. |
7. | Heat 1 tbs. of oil in a pan. Pan-fry one dough disk over medium-low heat until golden brown on both sides. |

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1. | 準備半燙麵麵團。分成4等份並整型成圓球。分好的麵團抹上橄欖油,蓋上保潔膜醒20分鐘。 |
2. | 將剩餘的橄欖油和麻油,鹽,白胡椒粉和麵粉拌勻稱為酥油。 |
3. | 每一個麵團擀成 25cm x 15cm (10"x6")的麵皮。 |
4. | 麵皮上刷上1/4的酥油,再撒上1/4的蔥花。 |
5. | 將麵片從長邊往內捲成長條。抓住麵條兩端輕輕抖動﹐邊抖邊拉,直到麵條大約45cm/18" 長。將麵條捲成螺旋狀,尾端塞在底部。 |
6. | 將捲完的麵團蓋上保潔膜醒15分鐘。再擀成25cm/10"的圓片。重複步驟3-6將其餘三個麵團做好。 |
7. | 鍋燒熱加入1大匙油,放進麵皮用中小火將兩面煎成金黃即可。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 01/30/2021
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