(Xian-Bing) Chinese Meat Pies
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1. | Prepare the Half Boiled Dough and Filling for meat pie. |
2. | Divide the dough into 16 pieces and roll each piece into a ball. Roll out each ball into a 13cm/5" diameter round disk. |
3. | Place approx. 80g of filling on the center of a dough disk. Lift one edge toward the center and make a pleat, turn the dough disk a little and make another pleat. Repeat until the dough disk completely encloses the filling. Pinch to seal the opening and snip off the extra dough with a pair of scissor. Turn the meat pie over - seal side facing down; gently press the pie down and make the shape really nice and round. Repeat this step for the rest of the dough and filling. |
4. | If not cooking the meat pies right away, place them on a plate; cover with a plastic wrap and store the plate in a freezer. After the pies are frozen, repack them in a plastic bag and store the bag in a freezer. |
5. | Heat 2 tbs. of oil in a non-stick pan. Add the pies and pan-fry in medium-low heat for 1 minute. Pour in 1/3 cup of water (1/2 cup if the meat pies are frozen), cover and cook in medium heat until all the liquid is evaporated. Uncover and continue pan-frying until golden brown on both sides. |

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1. | 準備半燙麵麵團和餡餅餡料。 |
2. | 燙麵麵團分成16等份,每份揉成圓球。將每份麵球擀成13cm/5"直徑的圓麵片。 |
3. | 取80克左右的餡放在麵片中心。把麵皮從邊緣拉向中心打折,一邊折一邊轉直到皮緊實地包住餡,然後將開口捏緊並將多餘的麵皮剪掉。將餡餅翻面收口向下,略壓使其成餅狀再整圓。剩餘的餡和皮依樣包好。 |
4. | 做好的餡餅如果不馬上食用,放在盤子上用保潔膜包好,再放進冷凍庫。等結凍後放進塑膠袋內,置於冰庫中保存。 |
5. | 平底鍋燒熱放進2大匙油。加入餡餅用中小火煎1分鐘後加水1/3杯(如果是冷凍的則加1/2杯),加蓋用中火煎到水收乾。拿開蓋子後繼續煎到底部呈金黃色,翻面再煎到另一面也呈金黃色。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/30/2020
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