紅蘿蔔洋蔥牛肉餡 Carrot Onion Beef Filling

材料 Ingredient
牛絞肉 Ground Beef 1 磅 lb (450g)
蔥花 Minced scallion1/4 杯 cup
紅蘿蔔細丁 Minced Carrot 1/4 杯 cup
洋蔥丁 Diced onion 1 杯 cup
食用油 Cooking oil 2 大匙 Tbs
鹽 salt 1/4 小匙tsp
絞肉醃料(濃) Ground meat marinade (dark) 1 份 portion

Note: Omit the corn starch in the Ground Meat marinade recipe if the fat content of the ground

2.鍋燒熱後加入2大匙油。放進紅蘿蔔炒1分鐘後加入洋蔥丁和鹽繼續炒到洋蔥丁變黃。 盛出紅蘿蔔和洋蔥放在一邊待涼。

1.Peel the carrot and onion and cut them into big chunks. Use a food processor to mince the carrot and dice the onion. Mince the scallions.
2.Heat 2 tbs of oil in a wok. Sauté the minced carrot for 1 minute. Add the diced onions and salt, and continue sautéing until the onions are golden brown. Set the carrots and onions aside until they completely cool down.
3.Place the carrots, onions, scallions, ground beef and Ground Pork Marinade in a big bowl. Use several chopsticks to stir the mixture vigorously until all the liquid is absorbed and the mixture becomes sticky. You can also use a mixer with flat beater to mix the ground beef.

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