材料 Ingredients
1. | 將蝦用水沖洗後抽掉砂腸﹐確定所有的黏液都沖洗掉。用紙巾將蝦擦得非常乾這樣炒的蝦才會脆。雞肉切成2cm x 2cm 小塊。香腸切成1cm小段。草菇對切成兩半。 |
2. | 將蠔油醬汁準備好。配方中的薑片切成薑絲。 |
3. | 將蝦用基本醃料(淡)醃10分鐘﹐而雞肉用基本醃料(濃)醃10分鐘。 |
4. | 將砂鍋放在爐上用最小火加熱,內層刷上麻油。將飯盛入砂鍋內。 |
5. | 鍋燒熱加入蠔油醬汁A料炒香。 |
6. | 加入雞肉和蝦仁用中火炒到雞肉開始變白。再加入蝦仁拌炒30秒。加入香腸,筍絲和草菇拌炒數下。 |
7. | 加入蠔油醬汁B料繼續拌炒到醬汁變粘稠。 |
8. | 將所有材料淋到飯上,砂鍋加蓋用小火煮到飯的底部變成金黃酥脆。 |

1. | Wash and devein the shrimp. Make sure that all the mucus in the shrimps is gone. Thoroughly dry them with paper towels. Cut the chicken into 0.75"x0.75" pieces. Cut the sausages into 0.3" segments. Cut each straw mushroom in half. |
2. | Get the Oyster Sauce ingredients ready. Julienne the ginger slices for the Oyster Sauce recipe. |
3. | Marinate the shrimp with the Light Basic Marinade and marinate the chicken with the Dark Basic Marinade. 10 minutes each. |
4. | Place a claypot on the stove. Heat the pot with the lowest heat. Brush sesame oil inside of the claypot. Place the rice in the claypot. |
5. | Heat a wok in medium heat. Add the ingredients from Part A of the Oyster Sauce recipe and sauté until aromatic. |
6. | Add the chickens and shrimps. Sauté at medium heat until the meat starts turning white. Add the sausages, shredded bamboo shoots and straw mushrooms. Stir several times. |
7. | Add the ingredients from Part B of the Oyster Sauce recipe. Sauté in medium heat until the sauce becomes sticky. |
8. | Pour the mixture over the rice. Cover the claypot and cook at low heat until the bottom of the rice becomes golden brown and crispy. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/01/2013©
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