(Zheng-Jiao) Steamed Dumplings
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Note: Please visit Dumping Fillings for more filling optiones.
1. | Prepare the Garlic Chive and Fish Filling and Fully Boiled Dough. |
2. | Cut the dough into 15g pieces. Roll each piece into a ball then press each ball into a round disk. Mix the dough disks with little flour and store them in a plastic bag to rest for 10 minutes. |
3. | Roll out each dough disk into a 9.5cm/3.75" dia. disk that is thick in the center and thin around the edge. |
4. | Place approx. 30g of filling on the center of a dough disk. Lift one edge over the filling to the other side to form a half-moon shape and pinch the center together. On one side, make 3 folds on the right and make another 3 folds on the left; then pinch the folds to the other side (see pictures below). Repeat this step for the rest of dough disks and filling. |
5. | Cover the bottom of a steamer with a damp cloth, blanched vegetable leaves, or parchment paper. Place the dumplings in the steamer. |
6. | Boil half full pot of water. Place the steamer on top of the pot and steam over high heat for 10 minutes. Mix dark vinegar and ginger in a sauce dish as dipping sauce. |

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註: 請到餃子內餡參考更多內餡選擇。
1. | 準備韭菜魚肉餡和全燙麵麵團。 |
2. | 麵團切成15克的劑子後揉圓並壓扁。將劑子與少許麵粉拌勻後放進塑膠袋醒10分鐘。 |
3. | 將每一個劑子擀成中間厚週邊薄,直徑9.5cm/3.75"的圓片。 |
4. | 取30克的餡料放在水餃皮中心,麵皮對折成半圓型。中間捏緊後在一邊的兩側各捏出3摺,再與另一邊捏緊(見下圖)。重複此步驟將剩餘麵皮和餡料依樣包好。 |
5. | 蒸籠內鋪上濕巾,燙過的菜葉,或不沾黏烘培紙,再放進餃子。 |
6. | 鍋子水燒滾後放上蒸籠用大火蒸10分鐘即可。把黑醋和薑絲拌勻即為沾醬。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 03/06/2021
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