材料 Ingredient
1. | 將3杯粘米粉与2杯水調勻。 |
2. | 將1杯水与1杯糖在鍋裡燒滾。 |
3. | 熄火。將步驟1材料倒進鍋裡,用力攪拌均勻,此時米糊應呈像蜂蜜一樣的黏稠狀 (。(註:如果不夠稠,開小火,邊攪邊煮到夠稠為止。) |
4. | 等米糊變涼後,把1小匙速發酵母粉加1大匙水調勻後加入米糊中拌勻。將米糊放進溫暖的地方發酵6個小時。如果發酵的地方過冷,則需要更多時間。發酵完你會看到米糊表面上有很多泡泡。 |
5. | 將蒸籠裡的水燒滾。米糊倒進蒸盤內 (我用的是10吋活動蛋糕烤盤,拿掉盤底,改包上濕的布)。此方法是從周老師美食教室學來的。把蒸盤放進蒸籠裡。 |
6. | 蒸籠蓋用布包好(如用竹籠則免)。蓋上蓋子蒸25分鐘。 |
7. | 將倫教糕脫模。待涼後切成小塊。每切一刀後,刀子要用濕紙巾擦乾淨,這樣切出來的糕才會漂亮。 |

1. | Mix 3 cups of rice flour with 2 cups of water. |
2. | Add 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar in a pot and bring it to a boil |
3. | Turn the heat off. Pour the rice flour batter in the pot. Stir vigorously until the rice flour is fully mixed with the water. Now the batter should be sticky like honey. (Note: If the batter is not sticky enough, cook and stir the batter until it becomes dense and sticky. |
4. | Wait until the batter cools down. Mix 1 tsp of instant yeast with 1 tbs of water. Add the yeast to the batter and mix well. Store the batter in a warm place and let it rise for 6 hours. It may need more time to rise if the storage area is cold. When the batter has risen, you will see many bubbles on the surface. |
5. | Boil water in a steamer. Place the batter in a mold. (I usually use a 10" removable cake pan without the bottom. Instead, I cover the cake pan with a damp cloth. I learned this method from 周老師美食教室). Place the mold in the steamer. |
6. | Wrap the steamer lid with a cloth (Skip this step if using a bamboo steamer). Cover and steam for 25 minutes. |
7. | Remove the cake from the mold. When it has completely cooled down, cut the cake into small pieces. For the best result, clean the knife with a damp paper towel each time you cut the cake. |
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