肉餡材料 Meat Filling Ingredient
糯米餡材料 Glutinous Rice Filling Ingredient
糯米Glutinous rice | 4 | 磅 lb (1.8kg) |
醬油 Soy sauce | 2/3 | 杯 cup |
老抽 Dark soy sauce | 1/4 | 杯 cup |
鹽 Salt | 1 | 小匙 tsp |
其它材料 Other Ingredient
乾竹葉 Dried bamboo leaf | 60 | 葉 ea |
棉線 Cotton string | 適量 | Right amount |
1. | 將梅花肉切成2cm x 3cm x 9cm 粗條,然後連同肉餡其它材料放進一個有拉鏈的塑膠袋拌勻。擠出袋裡空氣,封口封好後放置在冰箱內至少12個小時使其入味。 |
2. | 將糯米洗乾淨後泡在水裡3個小時,水要蓋過糯米。 |
3. | 將糯米水份瀝乾後連同糯米餡其它材料放進兩個有拉鏈的塑膠袋拌勻。擠出袋裡空氣,封口封好後放置在冰箱內至少12個小時使其入味。 |
4. | 將糯米倒進一個濾網瀝掉多餘的醬汁。 |
5. | 請參考包粽子注意事項清洗粽葉,準備繩串及包好長形粽子。大約可包26個粽子。 |
6. | 大鍋內水燒滾後放進包好的粽子,水要蓋過粽子。用中小火煮2小時後撈出晾乾。也可以用壓力鍋,從冷水用大火煮滾,帶嗶嗶聲變大聲後轉小火煮30分鐘,熄火自然泄壓。 |
7. | 將粽子裝袋放進冰箱或冰庫保存。食用時再回鍋蒸熱即可。 |

1. | Cut the pork butt into 0.75" by 1" by 3.5" thick strips. Place all the Meat Filling Ingredients in a zip-lock bag and mix well. Squeeze the air out of the bag and seal the opening. Store the bag in a refrigerator for at least 12 hours. |
2. | Wash the glutinous rice and soak it in water for 3 hours. The water must be completely covering the rice. |
3. | Drain the glutinous rice. Put all the Glutinous Rice Ingredients in two zip-lock bags and mix well. Squeeze the air out of the bag and seal the opening. Store the bags in a refrigerator for at least 12 hours. |
4. | Put the rice in a strainer to get rid of the excess soy sauce. |
5. | Please refer to Things to know about making zhongzi to clean the bamboo leaves, prepare a bundle of cotton strings and wrap the zhongzi. This recipe can make approx. 26 zhongzi. |
6. | Fill a big pot with water and bring it to a boil. Place the zhongzi in the pot. The water must be completely covering the zhongzi. Cook the zhongzi at medium-low heat for 2 hours. You can also use pressure cooker. Cook the zongzi over high with cold water. After the water is boiling and the beep sound is loud, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Turn the heat off and wait for the pressure to be released. Set the zhongzi aside to cool down. |
7. | Store the zhongzi in a refrigerator and freezer. Steam the zhongzi to serve. |
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