材料 A Ingredient A
蛋 Egg | 4 | 個 ea |
牛奶 Milk | 1 | 大匙 Tbs |
鹽 Salt | 1/4 | 小匙 tsp |
食用油 Cooking oil | 2 | 大匙 Tbs |
番茄醬 Ketchup | 適量 | Proper amount |
註: 此配方是兩人份。
Note: This recipe is for 2 people.
1. | 炒鍋燒熱後加入2大匙油。放進洋蔥丁和大蒜末用中火炒香後,加入雞肉炒至半熟。 |
2. | 加入洋菇片,冷凍青豆,鹽,香菇粉,胡椒粉和番茄醬,繼續翻炒到汁收乾。 |
3. | 加入白飯与鍋裡的材料拌勻。 |
4. | 把材料B放進一個碗裡打散。 |
5. | 燒熱一個8"不沾平底鍋後加入1大匙油。將一半的蛋液倒進鍋裡攤平,用小火煎到周邊開始變黃捲起來。煎的時候用筷子不停地四處攪動,讓蛋蓬鬆。熄火,加蓋讓蛋燜2分鐘。 |
6. | 放一半的飯料在蛋皮的中央, 將兩邊蛋皮包上來。用鍋鏟將蛋包輕輕地推到鍋邊,再快速地倒扣到盤裡。 |
7. | 將蛋包的兩頭捏尖,再淋上番茄醬即可。 |
8. | 重複步驟5-7將另一個蛋包飯也做好。 |

1. | Add 2 tbs. of oil to a heated pan. Add the onion and garlic and sauté in medium heat until aromatic. Add the chicken and continue to sauté until the chicken is 50% done. |
2. | Put the mushrooms, frozen peas, salt, mushroom concentrate, black pepper and ketchup in the pan, and stir-fry until the liquid is almost completely absorbed. |
3. | Add the rice and mix it with other ingredients. |
4. | Beat the ingredients B in a bowl. |
5. | Add 1 tbs. of oil to a heated 8" non-stick pan. Pour ½ of the egg mixture to the pan, lightly shake the pan and make the eggs distribute evenly. Pan-fry in low heat until the edge of the eggs turns light brown and curls. Turn off the heat. Cover the pan and wait for 2 minutes |
6. | Place half of the fried rice on the center of the eggs. Fold up two sides of the eggs to cover the rice. Gently push the egg wrapped rice to the edge of the pan. Quickly flip it over to a plate. |
7. | Form the egg wrapped rice to a football shape. Garnish with ketchup. |
8. | Repeat steps 5-7 to make another omurice. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 10/30/2013
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