材料 Ingredient
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1. | 將芋頭去皮切塊放進蒸籠或電鍋蒸到用叉子可輕易插入的程度。(註﹕手碰生芋頭會發癢﹐因此削芋頭皮時手最好套個塑膠帶或戴手套。) |
2. | 將芋頭和太白粉放進攪拌缸,裝上漿狀腳,由1速漸進到5速打到芋頭變泥狀並與太白粉充分混合。如果芋頭太乾,可試情況加入一點水,但不要超過1/4杯。同樣地如果芋頭含水量很高,則可再加些太白粉。(註:此種做法的芋圓會含有小粒芋頭。如果你不喜歡這種口感,可先將芋頭打成無顆粒泥狀,再分批加入太白粉和勻。) |
3. | 把芋頭移至工作檯上,用力揉成光滑的粉團。 |
4. | 將芋頭粉團切成數份,每份揉成2cm直徑的長條,每條再切成1cm厚小塊。 |
5. | 將切好的芋圓和些太白粉拌勻以防沾粘。再裝袋冷藏。 |

1. | Peel the taro and cut it into small chunks. Steam them with a steamer or rice cooker until you can easily stick a fork into the taro. (Note: Raw taro will make your skin itchy. You'd better wear a plastic bag or glove when you cut a taro root.) |
2. | Place the taro and tapioca starch in the mixing bowl of a mixer. Install the flat beater to the mixer and beat the taro gradually from speed 1 to speed 5 until the taro chunks are mashed and fully incorporated with the tapioca starch. If the mixture is too dry, you can add a little water at a time, but do not add more than ¼ cup of water. On the other hand, if the mixture is too wet, you can add a little more tapioca starch. (Note: The taro balls will contains tiny taro by using this method. If you don't like the texture, you can beat the taro first until it is completely mashed and mix the tapioca starch later.) |
3. | Transfer the taro to a counter or working place. Knead the taro to a smooth dough. |
4. | Cut the dough into several pieces. Roll each piece to a 0.75" dia. tube. Cut each tube to 0.4" thick pieces. |
5. | Lightly coat the taro balls with tapioca starch to avoid sticking from each other. Place them in a zip-lock bag and store in a fridge. |
地瓜圓 Di-Gua-Yuan (Yam Balls)
材料 Ingredient
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做法与以上芋圓相同。地瓜含水量較多因此要用較多的太白粉。 |

The procedure is same as that of making taro balls. Yam contains more water than taro does. Therefore, yam balls need more tapioca starch than taro balls. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 10/29/2013
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