Sesame Oil Chicken Soup
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1. | Ask your butcher to cut the whole chicken into small pieces. Discard the head and tail. |
2. | Prepare the Ginger Sesame Oil Sauce, slice the ginger instead of shredding and replace 1 cup of rice wine with 3cups of rice wine. |
3. | Place the chicken in a soup pot; add water until it covers the chicken. Cover and cook over medium-high heat; turn off the heat when the water starts boiling. Rinse the chicken with running cold water then drain the water. |
4. | Add part A from the Ginger Sesame Oil Sauce to a heated wok; cook over medium heat until the ginger is golden brown. Put in the chicken and part B from the Ginger Sesame Oil Sauce; stir for 2 minutes. |
5. | Pour in part C from the Ginger Sesame Oil Sauce and bring the mixture to a boil. From the edge of the wok, ignite with a long match to burn off the alcohol. |
6. | Cover and cook over medium-low heat for 20 minutes. Uncover and mix in the wolfberry. |

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1. | 請肉販將土雞斬成小塊,丟棄頭和屁股。 |
2. | 準備麻油薑醬汁,食譜中的薑絲改成薑片,1杯米酒改為3杯米酒。 |
3. | 雞塊放進湯鍋裡,加水蓋過雞塊。加蓋用中大火煮到開始滾時關火。用冷水沖洗雞塊後濾乾。 |
4. | 麻油薑醬汁A料中的薑片和菜籽油放進燒熱的炒鍋,用中火將薑片煎黃。加入雞塊和麻油薑醬汁B料翻炒2分鐘。 |
5. | 倒入麻油薑醬汁C料煮滾,從鍋邊點火燒光酒精。 |
6. | 加蓋用中小火煮20分鐘。掀開蓋子拌入枸杞子即可 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 01/03/2021
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