紅豆湯 Red Bean Soup

材料 Ingredients

小紅豆 Red bean 1/2 磅 lb (225g)
水 Water 5 杯 cup
糖 Sugar 2/3 杯 cup
紅豆湯 圖片

2.電鍋外鍋放1 杯水 (電鍋用的量杯)。加蓋煮到電鍋開關跳起來後燜45分鐘。
3.加2/3杯糖 。電鍋外鍋放1 /2 杯水 (電鍋用的量杯)繼續煮到電鍋開關跳起來即可。

1.Wash the red beans.
2.Add 1 cup of water in a rice cooker (use the measurement cup for rice cooker). Place the red beans and 5 cups of water in the rice cooker pot. Cover and cook until the rice cooker switch is off.
3.Add 2/3 cup of sugar to the soup. Add ½ cup of water in the rice cooker (use the measurement cup for rice cooker). Continue cooking until the rice cooker switch is off.
Note: If you don't have a rice cooker, place everything in a pot and cook on a stove in medium-low heat for 1 hour.

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/09/2013
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