Red (Adzuki) Bean Mochi
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1. | Prepare the glazed red beans and divide it into 24 portions. Roll each portion into a ball. Store the dough in the fridge. You can also use Red Bean Fillings or Filtered Red Bean Paste. |
2. | Prepare the mochi batter in the pot of a rice cooker. Brush a thin layer of oil inside of the pot first. Pour 2 cups of water in the rice cooker (use the measurement cup for rice cooker), place one steam plate on the bottom of the rice cooker, then place the pot on top of the steam plate. Cover and cook until the switch is off. You may steam the batter on a stove for 40 minutes, or microwave it for 13 minutes. |
3. | Remove the pot from the rice cooker. Use a dough roller to stir the mochi vigorously for 15 minutes to make the mochi elastic. |
4. | Spread a layer of Japanese potato starch on a baking sheet. Dip a large spoon in water, then spoon out proper amount of mochi on the baking sheet. Repeat this step until all the mochi has been spooned out. The batter should make 24 mochi balls. |
5. | Spread some Japanese potato starch on your hands. Form a piece of the mochi to a round disk. Place a portion of the glazed red beans on the center of a mochi disk. Lift the edge toward the center and pinch the center tight to seal the opening. Roll the mochi between your palms to form a smooth ball. Repeat this step for the rest of the mochi and red beans. |
6. | Place each red bean mochi on a cup cake paper. |

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1. | 準備好蜜紅豆。將之分成24份,每份搓成球狀後冷藏。也可以使用紅豆餡或紅豆沙餡。 |
2. | 將麻糬粉糊在電鍋內鍋裡拌好,內鍋裡事先要抹油。電鍋外鍋放2杯水(電鍋量杯),底部墊著蒸盤,再放上內鍋。加蓋煮到開關跳起來,約40分鐘。也可以直接用蒸籠在爐子上蒸40分鐘,或用微波爐微13分鐘。 |
3. | 麻糬蒸好後,用擀麵杖用力攪拌15分鐘,這樣麻糬才會有彈性。 |
4. | 烤盤上鋪上一層片粟粉。 湯匙沾水後挖一湯匙麻糬放到烤盤裡。重複此步驟直到麻糬都已轉到烤盤裡,大約有24麻糬糰。 |
5. | 雙手撒些片粟粉防沾粘。取一個麻糬糰慢慢整型成圓片,上放一份紅豆餡。把麻糬片從邊緣拉向中心捏緊再搓成球型。重複此步驟將麻糬糰和紅豆餡包完。 |
6. | 將紅豆麻糬放進2"的杯子蛋糕紙,這樣比較方便食用。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 01/08/2021
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