肉餡材料 Meat Filling Ingredients
糯米餡材料 Glutinous Rice Filling Ingredients
長糯米Long-grain glutinous rice | 4 | 磅 lb (1.8kg) |
食用油 Cooking oil | 3 | 大匙 Tbs |
蝦米 Dried shrimp | 1/2 | 杯 cup |
炸紅蔥頭 Fried shallot | 1/2 | 杯cup |
14盎司雞湯罐頭 14 oz canned chicken broth | 1 | 罐 can |
醬油 Soy sauce | 3/4 | 杯 cup |
老抽 Dark soy sauce | 1/4 | 杯 cup |
白胡椒粉 Ground white pepper | 1 | 小匙 tsb |
黑麻油 Dark sesame oil | 1 | 大匙 Tbs |
其它材料 Other Ingredients
乾竹葉 Dried bamboo leaf | 70 | 葉 ea |
棉線 Cotton string | 適量 | Proper amount |
1. | 將糯米洗乾淨後泡在水裡3個小時,水要蓋過糯米。豬肉切成 2.5cm 方塊後放進滾水燙3分鐘﹐水要蓋過豬肉。撈出豬肉用冷水沖洗乾淨。香菇泡軟後去蒂切成四小塊。蝦米泡軟後切丁。 |
2. | 鍋內加入1/2杯的糖用小火熬融,再加入2杯滾水与糖一起煮化。要小心不要讓滾水燙到。 |
3. | 加入肉餡材料裡的豬肉塊,醬油,米醋,酒,白胡椒粉,五香粉,蔥和薑用大火燒滾。加蓋轉成小火煮1個小時,或肉達到你喜歡的軟度。 |
4. | 將豬肉盛出裝盤。再把栗子和香菇放進原鍋裡用中小火煮約20分鐘。盛出栗子和香菇裝盤。 |
5. | 糯米濾乾。 |
6. | 炒菜鍋加熱後放進3大匙油。放進蝦米和紅蔥頭爆香。再加入糯米餡材料裡的高湯,醬油,老抽,麻油,白胡椒粉和黑麻油燒滾。最後放進糯米翻炒到所有的醬汁都被米吸收。盛出糯米餡料放置一旁待涼。 |
7. | 請參考包粽子注意事項清洗粽葉,準備繩串及包好三角型粽子。大約可包30-35個粽子,每個粽子裡放三塊肉,兩片香菇和一個栗子。 |
8. | 蒸籠內水燒滾後放進包好的粽子,用大火蒸一個小時。 |
9. | 等粽子冷卻後放進冰箱或冰庫保存。食用時再回鍋蒸熱即可。 |

1. | Rinse the rice then soak it in cold water for 3 hours, the water needs to cover the rice. Cut the pork into 1" cubes. Place the pork in boiling water for 3 minutes, the water needs to cover the pork. Remove the pork cubes and rinse them under cold water. Soak the mushrooms in water until they are soft. Remove the stems and cut each mushroom into four pieces. Soak the dried shrimps until they are soft. Cut them into small pieces. |
2. | Add ½ cup of sugar to a pot. Cook in low heat until the sugar is melt. Stir in 2 cups of boiling water and mix until the sugar is dissolved. Be careful that the hot water might spill. |
3. | Add the pork, soy sauce, rice vinegar, wine, ground white pepper, five spices powder, onion and ginger from the "Meat Filling Ingredients" to the pot. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cover and turn the heat to low. Cooking for 1 hour or until the meat reaches desired tenderness. |
4. | Remove the pork from the pot and set it aside. Add the frozen chestnuts and mushrooms into the pot. Cook in medium-low heat for 20 minutes. Set the chestnuts and mushrooms aside. |
5. | Drain the rice. |
6. | Add 3 tbs of oil to a heated wok. Put in the dried shrimps and fried shallots and sauté until aromatic. Add the chicken broth, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, ground pepper and dark sesame oil from the "Glutinous Rice Filling Ingredients". Vigorously stir until all the sauce is absorbed by the rice. Set the rice aside to cool down. |
7. | Please refer to Things to know about making zhongzi to clean the bamboo leaves, prepare a bundle of cotton strings and wrap the zhongzi into triangle shape. Please 3 pieces of meat, 2 pieces of mushroom and 1 chestnut into each zhongzhi. This recipe can make approx. 30-35 zhongzi. |
8. | Bring the water in a steamer to a boil. Steam the zhongzhi at high heat for 1 hour. Set the zhongzi aside to cool down. |
9. | Store the zhongzi in a refrigerator and freezer. Steam the zhongzi to serve. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 05/28/2015
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