食譜來源 (Recipe Source): Bobby Flay's Duck a l'Orange
1. | 將紅辣椒粉, 黃薑粉,香菜粉,薑粉,黃砂糖, 大蒜粉,洋蔥粉,鹽,多果粉,丁香粉,茴香種子粉,番椒粉和粗黑胡椒粉放進碗裡混合拌勻。培根切成三段份。 |
2. | 鴨腿和鴨胸用紙巾擦乾。用刀在鴨胸皮上劃出格子紋路。將鴨腿和鴨胸抹上步驟1的醃料醃30分鐘。 |
3. | 不沾平底鍋燒熱後加入2大匙芥菜籽油和培根,用中火煎到培根的油都逼出來而且變成酥脆,大約10分鐘。盛出培根放在紙巾上吸取多餘的油。 |
4. | 將鴨腿和鴨胸放進鍋裡,皮面向下。用中大火煎到鴨皮酥脆,大約12分鐘。翻面再用中火煎到內部溫度達到140°F(60˚C),大約15分鐘。 |
5. | 轉移鴨肉到砧板上,用錫箔紙包住。等10分鐘過後將鴨胸切成2cm薄片。 |
6. | 食用時佐以 奶油焗白花菜 。 |

1. | Mix the red chili pepper, cumin, coriander, ground ginger, sugar, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, all spice, ground clove, fennel seeds, cayenne pepper and black pepper in a bowl. Cut the slab bacon into three pieces. |
2. | Pat the duck with paper towels. Score the duck breast skin in a cross hatch patter. Evenly spread the rub in step 1 onto the duck legs and breast. Marinate for 30 minutes. |
3. | Add 2 tbs. of canola oil and the bacon in a heated non-stick pan. Cook until the bacon is golden brown and the fat has rendered, approx. 10 minutes. Transfer the bacon onto paper towels to absorb the excessive oil. |
4. | Place the duck legs and breast fat-side down in the bacon dripping. Pan-fry over medium-high heat for 12 minutes. Turn them over and cook over medium heat until the inner temperature reaches 140°F(60˚C), approx. another 15 minutes. |
5. | Transfer the duck onto a chopping board and cover with a piece of foil. Wait for 10 minutes then cut the breast into 2cm slices. |
6. | Serve with Cauliflower Casserole . |
最後更新 (Last Update): 12/26/2015
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