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1. | 將小牛排,啤酒,2片月桂葉和大蒜放進一個大碗(或帶拉鏈的塑膠袋),加蓋後放進冰箱醃漬一天。 |
2. | 培根切丁。洋蔥去皮後切塊。胡蘿蔔洗乾淨去皮後切塊。韭蔥頭部切除後直切成兩半,放置于水龍頭下每葉撥開沖洗乾淨。巴西利葉子部份切碎,莖部留著。將蔥白(包括淡綠色部份)和蔥綠分開,蔥白部份切4cm小段。蔥綠部份与扁葉巴西利莖部,月桂葉,百里香用棉線綁成香菜束。 |
3. | 取出醃好的小牛排用1小匙鹽和1/2小匙黑胡椒拌勻。再將每塊小牛排沾上薄薄一層麵粉,甩掉多餘的麵粉。剩餘的啤酒用濾網過濾,丟棄月桂葉和大蒜,但保留啤酒。 |
4. | 燉鍋燒熱後加入1/4杯芥菜籽油和培根,用中火煎到培根的油都逼出來而且變成酥脆,大約10分鐘。盛出培根放在紙巾上吸取多餘的油。放進小牛排用中火將兩面煎到金黃。小牛排可分批煎,不要重疊,一次只放一層。取出小牛排放進盤裡。 |
5. | 加入洋蔥和韭蔥白用中火炒到呈透明。加入醃漬剩下的啤酒,並用木杓將鍋底咖啡色的殘留物刮鬆, |
6. | 再放進番茄膏,胡蘿蔔,小牛排,培根丁,1小匙鹽,1/4小匙黑胡椒,義大利黑醋,糖和牛肉高湯。請調整高湯的份量,高湯必須蓋過小牛排。將湯煮滾後,浮在湯上的渣滓撇掉。邊煮邊攪動。 |
7. | 放進香菜束。加蓋用小火燉煮3個小時,中途要攪拌一下以免底部燒焦。也可以進烤箱用325°F(160°C)烤箱烤3個小時。煮好後夾出香菜束,裝盤再撒上碎巴西利即可。 |

1. | Place the short rib, beer, 2 bay leaves and crushed garlic in a bowl or a zip-lock bag. Seal and store in the fridge for 1 day. |
2. | Dice the bacon. Peel and cut the onions and carrots in big chunks. Cut off the root of the leek and slice it lengthwise in half. Place the leek under cold running water and make sure that all the dirt or sands among the leaves are rinsed out. Crosswise cut the leeks to separate the white (including light green) part and green part. Cut the white part into 1.5" segments. Mince the parsley leaves and reserve the stems. Bundle the leek green park, parsley stems, 2 bay leaves and thyme with a piece of cotton twine. |
3. | Remove the marinated short rib from the bag and mix with ½ tsp. of salt and ½ tsp. of black pepper. Coat each short rib with a thin layer of flour, shake off the excessive. Drain the beer through a sieve. Reserve the beer but discard the bay leaves and garlic. |
4. | Add the bacon and ¼ cup canola oil in a heated pot. Cook until the bacon is golden brown and the fat has rendered, approx. 8 minutes. Transfer the bacon onto paper towels to absorb the excessive oil. Brown the short rib in the same pot over high heat until all sides of the beef cubes are golden brown. Working in batches, do not overlay them. Transfer the beef to a plate.. |
5. | Add the onion and leek (white part) in the same pot and sauté until they are translucent. Pour in the remaining beer and deglaze (loose the brown bits on the bottom) the pot with a wooden spoon. |
6. | Add the tomato paste, carrot, short rib, bacon bits, 1 tsp. of salt, ¼ tsp. of black pepper, balsamic vinegar, brown sugar and beef stock. Please adjust the quantity of beef stock. It needs to cover the short rib. Stir and bring the mixture to a boil. Skim off the foam at the surface of the stock. |
7. | Add the herb bouquet. Cover and cook over low heat until the meat is tender, approx. 3 hours. You can also cook in the 325°F(160°C) oven. Stir occasionally to prevent from burning on the bottom. Remove the her bouquet. Plate the short rib with sauce and sprinkle with minced parsley. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 01/21/2015
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