材料 Ingredients
1. | 將6杯水和米酒放進鍋裡燒滾。加入五花肉燙3分鐘撈出沖冷水。 |
2. | 蘿蔔去皮後切成大塊。五花肉則切成小塊。 |
3. | 將蘿蔔,五花肉,薑片,味增醬汁A部份和2杯水放進鍋子裡煮滾。撇去浮在表面的泡沫渣滓。 |
4. | 加蓋用小火煮45分鐘 或達到你喜歡的軟度。 |
5. | 盛出裝入深盤後撒上味增醬汁B部份(蔥花和麻油)即可。 |

1. | Add 6 cups of water then rice wine in a pot then bring the mixture to a boil. Place in the pork belly and cook for 3 minutes. Remove the pork from the pot and rinse with cold water. |
2. | Peel the daikon and cut it into big chunks. Cut the pork belly into small pieces. |
3. | Add the daikon, pork belly, ginger, part A from the Miso Sauce and 2 cups of water in the pot then bring the mixture to a boil. Skim off the foams on the surface. |
4. | Cover the pot and cook over low heat for 45 minutes or until reaching desired tenderness. |
5. | Transfer the food in a deep dish. Top with part B from the Miso Sauce (scallion & sesame oil). |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/07/2017
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