材料 Ingredients
1. | 把蝦用水略微沖洗後擦乾,每隻蝦從背部切開除去沙腸。將4杯水和1/2小匙鹽在鍋裡燒開。放進大蝦用中小火煮熟,大約2分鐘。濾乾水份,待蝦降溫後剝去蝦殼,每隻蝦橫切成2片。 |
2. | 燒滾8杯水。放進米粉依照包裝指示煮熟後用冷水沖涼(如果你們的自來水不能生飲,請用煮過的冷開水沖洗)。將米粉剪成小段。 |
3. | 取一張米紙在一盆溫水裡浸軟,大約5秒鐘。將米紙放在盤子上,在靠近身體5cm處第一層先放生菜葉,香菜和薄荷,第二層放米粉,第三層則放越式酸甜蘿蔔。擺2片蝦在菜前面,紅色面向下。將米紙兩側折進來,提起米紙覆蓋過菜再捲成一個捲。重複此步驟將剩餘材料包完,共可包12個蝦春捲。也可以用香茅烤肉取代蝦,將烤肉切條放在蝦的位置。 |
4. | 食用時佐以越式海鮮醬。 |

1. | Rinse, pat dry and devein the prawns. Boil 4 cups of water with 1/2 tsp. of salt in a pot. Add the prawns and cook over medium-low heat until the prawns are done, apprx. 2 minutes. Drain the water. Peel the prawns while they are cool enough to touch. Cut each prawn along the body in half. |
2. | Boil 8 cups of water in a pot. Cook the rice noodles by following the package instruction. Drain the water and rinse the rice noodles under running water until completely cold. If your water is not safe to drink, please rinse the noodles with boiled water. Scissor the noodles into segments. |
3. | Soak one piece of rice paper in warm water until soft, approx. 5 seconds. Place it on a plate, lay lettuce, cilantro and mint leaves 2" from the edge, top with rice noodles then top with diakon & carrot pickles. Place 2 prawn slices in front of the herb layers (red side face down). Fold two sides of the rice paper in, lift the edge of the rice paper over the herbs and continue to fold into a roll. Repeat this step to make total 12 rolls. You can use Vietnamese Grilled Pork to substitute the prawns. - cut the pork into strips. |
4. | Serve with Hoisin Peanut Dipping Sauce. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/10/2018
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