材料 Ingredients
註: 黑糖可以用紅砂糖替代。樹薯粉可以用馬鈴薯粉或地瓜粉取代。
Note: The muscovado sugar can be replaced with dark brown sugar. The tapioca starch can be replaced with potato starch or yam starch.
1. | 將直徑0.7cm的吸管剪下一小段。如果沒有吸管,可將原子筆筆蓋切下一小段替代。 |
2. | 1-1/2杯樹薯粉放在碗裡。把黑糖和水在小鍋裡煮滾及糖完全溶化,然後倒進樹薯粉裡用筷子快速攪拌均勻。 |
3. | 慢慢加入剩餘的1/2杯樹薯粉。此時粉糰過熱無法用手揉,可以用麵團刮刀拌成跟耳垂一樣軟的粉糰,請自行調整樹薯粉份量。 |
4. | 工作檯上撒些樹薯粉後放上粉糰,用手揉到光滑沒有顆粒後擀成0.7cm厚片。 |
5. | 用吸管壓出小圓片,每片再搓成球状即可。壓剩下的粉糰可以重新揉勻擀平再用。重複此步驟直到用完粉糰。 |
6. | 做好的粉圓與少許的樹薯粉拌勻以免彼此沾粘。等乾透後可裝袋放進冰凍庫冷藏。 |

1. | Cut a 0.7 cm dia. straw into a small segment. If you can't find one, use a segment of a ballpoint pen cap instead. |
2. | Place 1-1/2 cups of tapioca starch in a bowl. Mix the muscovado sugar and water in a pot and bring the mixture to a boil. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into the tapioca starch then use a pair of chopstick to stir quickly until combined. |
3. | Slowly add the remaining 1/2 cup of tapioca starch. The dough is too hot to handle by hand at this stage so you can use a dough scraper to mix it until it feels like an earlobe. Adjust the amount the tapioca starch as needed. |
4. | Transfer the dough onto a working surface that is floured with tapioca starch. Knead the dough until smooth then roll it into a 0.7cm thick sheet. |
5. | Use the straw to cut the dough into small round disks. Roll each disk between palms into a ball. Re-knead the remaining dough and re-roll it into a 0.7cm thick sheet. Repeat this step until you run out of the dough. |
6. | Mix the pearls with little tapioca starch so they won't stick to each other. After the pearls dry out, place them in a zip-lock bag and store it in the freezer. |
黑糖粉圓 Black Tapioca Pearls | 青蛙撞奶 Black Tapioca Pearls with Milk | 珍珠奶茶 Boba Milk Tea |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/29/2018
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