巧克力海棉蛋糕 Chocolate Sponge Cake

材料 Ingredients

無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter2大匙 Tbs
牛奶 Milk2大匙 Tbs
蛋 Egg 4 個 ea
白砂糖 Granulated Sugar 7大匙 Tbs
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 1/2 杯 cup
可可粉 Cocoa powder2 大匙 Tbs
6"x3" 活動圓形模 6"x3" Round pan with removable bottom 1個 ea


1.Grease and flour the cake pan. Or you can grease the inside of the pan and cover it with a parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 340°F(170°C).
2.Boil 1/4 small pot of water then turn the heat to low.
3.Cut the butter into small pieces. Place the butter and milk in a microwave safe container and microwave for 35 seconds. Stir until the butter is completely melted.
4.Whisk eggs and sugar in a mixing bowl until combined. Place the bowl over the small pot and continue whisk over high speed until the temperature of the egg mixture hits 100°F(38°C).
5.Remove the bowl from the heat. Beat the mixture over high speed until the egg mixture flowing down from the beater makes creases and the lines won't disappear quickly, approx. 5 minutes. Turn the speed to low and continue to beat for 1 more minutes.
6.Add the flour to the egg mixture in three batches and stir over low speed, 15 seconds for each batch. Use a spatula to gently fold the mixture in a down-cross-up-and-over motion until the flour and egg mixture are incorporated. Do not over-mix.
7.Mix ¼ of the batter with the melted butter in a separate bowl. Pour the mixture back to the batter. Again, gently fold the batter in a down-cross-up-and-over motion until the oil and batter are fully mixed. Do not over-mix.
8.Pour the cake batter into the cake pan. Knock the pan on the counter several times to get rid of the air bubbles. Use a bamboo skewer to swirl the batter roughly
9.Bake the cake on the middle rack until a toothpick comes out clean after you inserted it into its center, about 35 minutes.
10.Remove the cake from the oven. Place the cake pan upside down on a cooling rack and let it cools down. Cover the cake with a damp cloth. After the cake completely cools down, use a flat thin knife to cut around the edges of the pan, invert the cake onto a plate then use the knife to cut around the removable bottom to loosen the cake.

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/07/2018
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