卡士達餡 Custard Filling
蛋白 Egg white | 5 | 個 ea |
檸檬汁 Lemon juice | 1 | 小匙 tsp |
白糖 Granulated sugar | 1/4 | 杯 cup |
油酥皮(解凍) Puff pastry (defrosted) | 1 | 張 sheet |
糖粉 Powder sugar | 適量 | Proper amount |
鮮奶油 Heavy cream | 1 | 杯 cup |
白糖 Granulated sugar | 4 | 大匙 Tbs |
8"x8"x3"烤盆 Baking pan | 1 | 個 ea |
1. | 將4小匙吉利丁粉和4大匙水倒入一個小碗裡拌勻,放到一旁靜置10分鐘。 |
2. | 依照卡士達餡做法準備好卡士達餡(材料以上述為主),在步驟3時拌入牛油時也同時拌入(1)項的吉利丁液。放進冰箱冷藏。 |
3. | 把蛋白放進一個乾淨未沾到油脂或水的盆裡,用中低速打成泡沫狀,加入1小匙檸檬汁繼續用高速打成軟性發泡。再慢慢加入1/4杯糖打成硬性發泡。 |
4. | 烤箱預熱到450°F(205°C)。將油酥皮桿成8"x16"長方片,再對切成兩個8"x8"方片。用叉子在麵皮上插洞所以烤的時候不會膨脹過大。放進烤箱用烤到呈金黃色,大約5分鐘。取出待涼。將一片鋪在烤盤裡,另一片等切成4塊(或6塊)。 |
5. | 舀1/3蛋白霜進卡士達餡用橡皮刀拌勻。再將卡士達餡倒進蛋白糊盆裡,從盆邊由下往上輕輕翻拌直到蛋白霜與卡士達醬充分混合。 |
6. | 依照打發鮮奶油 Whipped Cream 做法準備好鮮奶油(材料以上述為主)。 |
7. | 將卡士達餡倒進烤盤內的酥皮上,用抹刀抹平,放進再倒入打發的鮮奶油抹平。最後蓋滿小塊酥皮進冰箱冷藏至少4個小時,最好過夜。食用時切成小塊,再撒上糖粉即可。 |

1. | Bloom the gelatin powders with 4 tbs. of water in a bowl. Let is sit for 10 minutes. |
2. | Refer to Custard Filling to prepare the custard filling (use ingredients above). Add the bloomed gelatin at step 3 while adding the butter. Store the custard in the fridge. |
3. | Place the egg whites in a clean bowl and whisk in medium-low speed until foamy. Add 1 tsp. of lemon juice and continue to beat in high speed until soft peaks form. Gradually add 1/4 cup of sugar and beat in high speed until stiff peaks form. Store the meringue in the fridge. |
4. | Preheat the oven to 450°F(205°C)。Roll the puff pastry in to 8"x16" sheet then cut it into two equal squares. Poke holes on the pastry with a fork. Bake in the oven until golden brown, approx. 5 minutes. Remove from oven and let it cool down. Place one sheet onto the 8" baking pan. Cut the other one into 4 or 6 equal pieces. |
5. | Add 1/3 of the meringue to custard filling and mix with a rubber spatula. Then pour the custard filling into the Meringue. Gently fold the mixture in a down-cross-up-and-over motion until the meringue and custard are well mixed. |
6. | Refer to Whipped Cream to whip the cream (use ingredients above). |
7. | Pour the custard onto the baking pan and smooth the surface with a icing spatula. Add the whipped cream and smooth again. Cover the cake with the pastry pieces. Store in the fridge for at least 4 hours, prefer overnight. Cut the cake into small pieces to serve and sprinkle the cake with powder sugar. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/27/2018
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