材料 Ingredients
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1. | 馬鈴薯刷洗乾淨後放進蒸籠蒸到馬鈴薯變軟,叉子很容易插進去的程度,約16分鐘。切勿蒸過頭,那樣的馬鈴薯會粘糊而不鬆軟。 |
2. | 取出馬鈴薯待稍微降溫後剝去皮,再用磨泥器(food mill或ricer)將馬鈴薯壓成粗粒。 |
3. | 3/4杯麵粉與鹽拌勻。將馬鈴薯和蛋裝進攪拌盆後略為拌一下,再分兩次加入麵粉輕輕地揉勻成一個麵團,大約1分鐘。此時的麵糰應該是柔軟平滑,有一點粘手,請視情形自行調整麵粉份量。 |
4. | 將麵團移轉到撒了手粉的工作檯上並等切成4份,每份整成2cm直徑的長棍型,再切成2cm寬小塊。切好的麵疙瘩拌上些許麵粉以免彼此沾粘。 |
5. | 把一叉子(尖端向下)呈45度立在工作檯上,取一個麵疙瘩放在叉子最高處,用手指將其順著叉子溝痕滑轉下來,這樣麵疙瘩表面有凹痕比較容易沾覆醬汁。此步驟可以省略。 |
6. | 如果不馬上食用,把麵疙瘩移轉到裝有保潔膜和手粉的盤子上 (每顆要分開),放進冰箱冷凍透後再裝袋。 |
7. | 燒開一小鍋水加點鹽,放進馬鈴薯麵疙瘩(不需解凍)用中大火煮到浮在水面即可。濾乾水份後拌入些許橄欖油以免沾粘。 |

1. | Scrub and rinse the potatoes clean. Steam until the potatoes are tender (a fork can easily poke through), approx. 16 minutes. Be careful not to overcook otherwise the potatoes will become gummy and not fluffy. |
2. | Wait until the potatoes cool down to peel the skin. Use a food mill or ricer to grate the potatoes. |
3. | Mix 3/4 cup of flour with salt. Add the potatoes and egg in a bowl and mix roughly. Add flour in two batches and gently knead until combined, approx. 1 minute. The dough should be soft, smooth and a little bit sticky. Adjust the flour quantity as needed. |
4. | Transfer the dough to a floured work surface and cut it into 4 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a rope approx. 3/4 inch in diameter. Use a sharp knife to cut each rope crosswise into 3/4" pieces. Toss the gnocchi with extra flour while they are waiting to be cooked or frozen. |
5. | Put a fork tip side down on the work surface (The fork is at 45 degree). To create indent on gnocchi, place one piece on the highest point of the fork then use your finger to gently press and roll it down. The indents allow sauce to cling to the gnocchi better but are not necessary. This step can be skipped. |
6. | If not serving right away, arrange gnocchi on a plate covered with plastic wrap and excess flour to keep them from sticking. Place the plate in the freezer until they are completely frozen. Once they are frozen, remove from plate and store in a zip-lock bag. |
7. | Boil a pot of water with salt. Add the gnocchi and cook over medium high heat until the gnocchi are floating above the water. Drain the water and mix with little olive oil to prevent from sticking to each other. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/28/2018
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