材料 Ingredients
1. | 用刀尖在牛肉面上平均地戳16個小洞,每個洞裡塞一片大蒜和一粒丁香。將牛肉放進大碗裡,注入紅酒醋。加蓋放進冰箱醃至少12個小時,最好超過一天。 |
2. | 將牛肉用紙巾擦乾,取出大蒜和丁香(保留大蒜丟棄丁香)。將橄欖油倒進燒熱的鍋內。放進牛肉塊將四面用中火煎呈金黃後夾出備用,每面大約3分鐘。取出牛肉放在一旁。 |
3. | 原鍋加入洋蔥,培根和蕃茄膏炒到洋蔥變成透明。加入牛肉高湯並用木杓將鍋底咖啡色的殘留物刮鬆,再放進牛肉和剩餘除了碎巴西里葉的材料煮滾。 |
4. | 轉小火,加蓋煮2-1/2個小時。 |
5. | 取出月桂葉和牛肉。牛肉等稍微涼了以後切成2cm厚片。 |
6. | 撇去浮在湯上的渣滓和泡沫。 用手持攪拌機直接在鍋內把所有材料打成泥狀後倒到盆裡。如果沒有手持攪拌機,可以用果汁機或食物處理機打。用中大火繼續煮到醬汁剩下一半。 |
7. | 肉片放回鍋裡,輕輕晃動鍋子讓菜泥与肉片混合,加蓋再用小火煮30分鐘。 |
8. | 肉片裝盤後,淋上醬汁,再撒些碎巴西利葉。佐馬鈴薯麵疙瘩食用。 |

1. | Use a sharp knife to poke 16 holes over the beef. Insert one piece of garlic and one clove in each hole. Add the beef and red wine vinegar in a large bowl. Cover and store in the fridge for at least 12 hours, prefer over 24 hours. |
2. | Take out the beef from the marinade and pat dry with paper towel. Remove the garlic and clove from the beef (reserve the garlic and discard the clove). Add 1/2 cup of olive oil into a heated soup pot. Brown the beef over medium heat on all sides, approx. 3 minutes each side. Remove the beef from the pot and set aside. |
3. | Add onion, bacon and tomato paste to the same pot and saute until the onion is translucent. Pour in the beef stock and deglaze (loose the brown bits on the bottom) the pot with a wooden spoon. Add the beef and the remaining ingredients (except for the minced parsley) and bring to mixture to a boil |
4. | Turn the heat to low, cover and simmer for 2-1/2 hours. |
5. | Remove the bay leaves and beef from the pot. Cut the beef into 0.75" thick slices after it cools down. |
6. | Skim off the foam at the surface of the stock. Use a hand blender to blend the sauce until it is smooth. You can also use a blender or a food processor if you don't have a hand blender. Continue to cook over medium high heat until the sauce is reduced to half. |
7. | Return the beef to the pot. Gently shake the pot to mix the beef and sauce. Cover and cook over low heat for another 30 minutes. |
8. | Plate the beef, top with sauce and minced parsley. Serve with cooked gnocchi. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 12/02/2018
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