材料 Ingredients
1. | 將黑糖和牛奶放進小鍋裡用小火煮到糖融化。熄火。 |
2. | 等到黑糖牛奶降到微溫時,倒入打散的雞蛋和酵母拌勻。 |
3. | 把麵粉分三批過篩到鍋裡,輕輕地與鍋裡液體拌到沒有麵粉粉粒。 |
4. | 最後加入蔬菜油拌勻。 |
5. | 蓋上蓋子,讓其發酵到兩倍大,大約1小時。 |
6. | 竹籠用烘培紙包好(見下圖)。將蛋糕糊再度攪拌到光滑後倒入竹籠。將竹籠在檯面上敲幾下敲出氣泡。 |
7. | 蒸籠裡水燒開。蒸籠蓋用布包好(如用竹籠則免)。放進竹籠用大火蒸30分鐘,蒸完後等3分鐘後再掀蓋。此蛋糕宜熱食。 |

1. | Place the muscovado sugar and milk in a small pot. Cook over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Turn off the heat. |
2. | Wait until the temperature of the sugar milk is reduced to warm, add the egg and yeast. Mix until combined. |
3. | Sift the flour into the pot in three batches. Mix each batch gently with the milk mixture until the batter is smooth without lumps. |
4. | Add the vegetable oil and mix well. |
5. | Cover and Let it rise until doubles in size, approx. 1 hour. |
6. | Wrap the bamboo steamer with a piece of parchment paper (see photos above). Stir the batter until it is smooth then pour it in the batter. Knock the bamboo steamer on the counter several times to get rid of the air bubbles. |
7. | Bring the water in the steamer to a boil. Wrap the steamer lid with a cloth (Skip this step if using a bamboo steamer). Place the bamboo steamer in the steamer and steam over high heat for 30 minutes. After it is done, let it sit with lid on for 3 minutes. Serve the cake hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/31/2020
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