材料 Ingredients
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1. | 把豬肉,蝦仁,肥絞肉和1大匙芡粉放進食物處理機用高速打成肉泥。 |
2. | 將肉泥,韭黃,竹筍,胡蘿蔔,香菇,木耳和 絞肉醃料(淡)放進攪拌盆裡仔細拌勻後放進冰箱冷藏至少30分鐘。 |
3. | 每張圓形腐皮劃三刀切成6等份。 |
4. | 把1大匙芡粉和1大匙水在小碗裡調勻。 |
5. | 取適量餡料放在張腐皮邊上(寬的那一邊),再摺成枕頭狀﹐腐皮邊抹上芡粉水封口。共可做12捲。用剩下的芡粉水留著備用。 |
6. | 噴少許油在鮮竹捲兩面,再分三批放進氣炸鍋用350˚F(180˚C)炸到呈金黃色,每批大約15分鐘。若是沒有氣炸鍋,則把鮮竹捲放進250˚F(120˚C)熱油中慢慢炸熟(鮮蝦腐皮捲會膨脹浮在油上),起鍋前開大火炸1分鐘讓皮變脆。 |
7. | 準備 蠔油醬汁。小鍋裡放入蠔油醬汁A料,用中小火將蔥薑煎香。丟棄蔥醬不要。加入蠔油醬汁B料,1杯水和用剩下的芡粉水用中火煮到醬汁變為濃稠。 |
8. | 蒸籠裡水燒滾。將鮮竹捲裝盤後淋上蠔油醬汁,放進蒸籠蒸20分鐘。趁熱食用。 |

1. | Place the pork, shrimp, pork fat and 1 tbs. of corn starch in a food processor or blender. Process in high speed to make the mixture paste like. |
2. | Fully mix the meat paste, yellow chive, bamboo shoot, carrot, shiitake mushroom, wood-ear fungus and Ground pork marinade (light) in a bowl. Store the filling in a fridge for at least 30 minutes. |
3. | Cut each round bean curd sheet into 6 equal parts. |
4. | Mix 1 tbs. of corn starch and 1 tbs. of water in a samll bowl. |
5. | Place some of the mixture on the wide side of the cut bean curd sheet. Fold the mixture and bean curd sheet into a pillow shape. Spread the corn starch water on the edges of the bean curd sheet to seal the opening. This recipe can make 12 rolls. Reserve the unused corn starch water. |
6. | Spay little oil on the sides of the rolls. Set the air fryer to temperature 350˚F(180˚C) and fry the rolls in three batches until they are golden brown, approx. 15 minutes each. If you don't have an air fryer, deep fry the rolls in 250˚F(120˚C) oil until they are completely cooked (the rolls should expand and float). Turn the heat to high and deep-fry for another minute to make the skin crispy. |
7. | Prepare the Oyster Sauce. Add the part A from the Oyster Sauce in a small pot and saute the ginger and scallion until aromatic. Discard the ginger and scallion. Add the part B from the Oyster Sauce, 1 cup of water and the remaining stach water. Mix and cook until the sauce is thick and shining. |
8. | Boil the water in a steamer. Plate the bean curd rolls then pour the oyster sauce over the rolls. Steam the rolls for 20 minutes and serve hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/14/2020
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