材料 Ingredients
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1. | 梅頭肉丁與 基本醃料(濃) 拌勻後醃10分鐘。 |
2. | 炒鍋加熱後加入2大匙油,香菇丁,蝦米和肥絞肉用中火炒香。放進菜脯拌炒1分鐘。 |
3. | 加入豬肉炒到豬肉顏色變淺後加入粉葛,醬油膏,麻油,白胡椒粉,五香粉和1/2杯水翻炒至肉完全熟透。 |
4. | 2小匙太白粉加2小匙水在小碗裡拌勻後倒入鍋裡,炒到餡料變稠後加入芹菜丁和紅蔥酥拌勻。熄火。 |
5. | 等餡料稍微涼下來,拌進韭菜,香菜和花生米(註:若喜歡花生米香脆,則在要包餡時再加花生米到餡裡)。 |
6. | 準備 水晶皮 。這個食譜的餡料大概可以包30個,因此將水晶皮配方裡的澄粉和地瓜粉各改為180g,水改為360g,油改為1.5大匙。將粉團分切成24克的小塊,每塊揉圓後再桿成中間厚週邊薄的圓片。 |
7. | 取約23克的餡料放在粉皮中心,將粉皮對折捏緊成半圓型,邊緣折波浪形再壓實。將剩餘粉團和餡料依樣包好。 |
8. | 蒸籠裡水燒開,蒸盤底部鋪上濕巾或不沾黏烘培紙。將粉果放進蒸籠加蓋用大火蒸10分鐘。 |
9. | 粉果要趁熱吃並適合佐配辣椒醬。不用時可以放在冷凍庫冷藏。 |

1. | Mix the diced pork with the Basic Marinade (Dark) for 10 minutes. |
2. | Add 2 tbs. of oil, shiitake mushroom and ground pork fat in a heated wok and sauté until aromatic. Add the pickled daikon and stir for 1 minute. |
3. | Add the pork and sauté until the color of the pork becomes lighter. Place in the jicama, soy sauce paste, sesame oil, white pepper, five spice powder and 1/2 cup of water. Stir until the pork is completely cooked. |
4. | Mix 2 tsp. of corn starch with 2 tsp. of water in a small bowl. Add the mixture to the wok and stir until the filling become sticky. Mix in the celery and fried shallot. Turn the heat off. |
5. | Wait until the filling cools a little to mix in the garlic chive, cilantro and roasted peanuts. (Note: If you like your peanut crispy, add the peanut right before you assemble the dumplings.) |
6. | Prepare Crystal Dumpling Wrappers . The filling in this recipe can make 30 dumplings, so change the weight of wheat starch and sweet potato starch to 180g respectively, change the weight of water to 360g, and change the oil to 1.5 tbs. Cut the dough into 24g pieces then roll each piece into a disk that is thick in the center and thin around the edges. |
7. | Place 23g of the filling on the center of a wrapper. Lift one edge over the filling to the other side to form a half-moon shape. Make small folds on the edge then pinch together. Repeat this step for the rest of the dough and shrimp filling. |
8. | Boiling the water in a steamer. Cover the bottom of the steamer with a wet towel or parchment paper. Place the dumplings in the steamer and steam for 10 minutes. |
9. | Serve the dumplings hot and with hot chili sauce. Store the unused dumplings in a freezer. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/12/2020
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