沙爹醃料 Satay (Skewered BBQ) Marinade

材料 Ingredients
醬油 Soy sauce2 小匙 tsp
糖 Sugar2 小匙 tsp
魚露 Fish sauce1-1/2 大匙 Tbs
椰奶 Coconut milk1/4 杯 cup
咖哩粉 Curry powder1/2 小匙 tsp
薑黃粉 Turmeric powder1/2 小匙 tsp
香草粉 Ground coriander1/2 小匙 tsp
番椒粉 Ground cayenne pepper1/8 小匙 tsp
白胡椒粉 Ground white pepper1/4 小匙 tsp
蒜末 Minced garlic1 大匙Tbs

Note: This formula is for 1 lb (450g) of meat. Please adjust it proportionally according to the weight of the meat.


沙嗲烤雞串圖片 洋芋雞肉椰奶咖哩圖片
沙爹烤雞串 Chicken Satay 洋芋雞肉椰奶咖哩 Chicken & Potato in Coconut Curry Sauce

最後更新 (Last Update): 06/27/2018
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