烤雞肉捲 Broiled Stuffed Chicken Roll

材料 Ingredients
大雞腿 Chicken leg w/thigh 2 支 each
香菇 Shitake mushroom 4 朵 each
芹菜 Celery 1 根 stalk
紅蘿蔔 Carrot 1 小支 small
蔥 Scallion2 支 stalk
油 Cooking oil 1 大匙 Tbs
鹽 Salt 1/3 小匙 tsp
白胡椒 White pepper1/8 小匙 tsp
台式醃料 Taiwanese style marinade 1 份 portion

2.香菇泡軟切絲。紅蘿蔔和芹菜切成 5cm 細絲﹐蔥則切成 5cm 小段。
3.將台式醃料準備好﹐只用 A 部份。
4.將雞肉用台式醃料醃至少 6 個小時。
5. 在鍋裡燒熱 1大匙油。放進香菇和紅蘿蔔絲用中小火先炒﹐等紅蘿蔔變軟後加入芹菜﹐蔥絲﹐鹽和胡椒拌炒 20秒後起鍋放在一旁待涼。此為內餡。
6. 將雞肉攤在工作檯上。將一半內餡放在雞肉片的中間﹐再將雞肉捲起來﹐封口用牙籤別住。
7. 把雞肉捲皮向上放進烤箱中層用 350°F (175°C) 烤 50分鐘﹐再用上火 500°F (260°C) 烤 5 分鐘讓皮變酥脆。
8. 烤完後拿出用錫箔紙蓋住等 15 分鐘。將雞捲切成 2cm 寬片後裝盤。

1.Debone the chicken legs and make them two filets.
2.Soak the mushrooms and cut them into julienne. Wash and cut the carrots and celery into 2" julienne. Wash and cut the scallion into 2" cm segment.
3.Prepare the Taiwanese Style Marinade, omit the part B.
4.Marinate the chicken fillets with Taiwanese Style Marinade for at least 6 hours.
5. Heat 2 tbs of oil in a wok. Add the mushrooms and carrots and sauté until the carrots are tender. Add the celery, scallion, salt & pepper and sauté for another 20 seconds. The mixture is for filling. Put it aside to cool down.
6. Place half of the filling in the center of one chicken fillet. Roll the chicken from one side to the other and seal the opening with toothpicks.
7. Place the chicken rolls on a baking rack (skin side up). Place the rack on the middle rack of a oven and bake in 350°F (175°C) for 50 minutes. Turn the heat to 500°F (260°C) and broil the chicken for another 5 minutes to make the skin crispy.
8 Take the chicken out of the oven. Cover the chicken with a piece of foil and sit for 15 minutes. Cut the chicken rolls into 1" wide slices and serve.

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/18/2013
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