材料 Ingredients
1. | 蝦用清水沖洗掉粘液。剝殼(留住尾巴)後從背部切開抽出泥腸。在每條蝦的腹部劃三刀後將蝦拉直。 |
2. | 將麵粉糊準備好。 |
3. | 將蝦用基本醃料醃 10 分鐘。 |
4. | 將蝦放進麵粉糊內﹐每一隻蝦都要裹到麵糊。 |
5. | 將油燒熱到 325F° (160°C)﹐將蝦放進油裡炸約 1 分鐘。一次不要炸太多﹐蝦與蝦之間要有空間。 |
6. | 炸好的蝦撈出。將油燒熱到375°F (190°C) ﹐再將蝦回鍋炸 30 秒讓皮酥脆。 |
7. | 將炸好的蝦放在餐巾紙上吸去多餘的油。趁熱食用。 |
8. | 食用時可沾胡椒鹽或番茄醬。 |

1. | Clean and shell the prawns, leave the tails on. Cut the back of the prawns and devein. Slice lightly on the belly of each prawn 3 times and straighten each shrimp. |
2. | Prepare the Flour Batter. |
3. | Marinate the prawns with Light Basic Marinade for 10 minutes. |
4. | Mix the prawns with the Flour Batter. Make sure that every prawn is coated with the batter. |
5. | Heat the oil to 325°F (160°C). Deep-fry the prawns for 1 minutes. Fry few prawns a time, leave enough space between each prawn. |
6. | Put the fried prawns aside. Heat the oil to 375°F (190°C). Place the prawns back to the pot and deep-fry for another 30 seconds to make the coating crispy. |
7. | Pat the prawns with paper towel to absorb the excessive oil. Serve hot. |
8. | Serve with Pepper Salt or Ketchup. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/19/2013
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