(Salt Broiled Salmon Collar)
材料 Ingredients
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1. | 將魚頭橫面剖成兩半, 剪去魚鰓及魚翅﹐切去上半部只留下巴。(此步驟可以要你的魚販代勞。) |
2. | 準備日式鹽味醃料。將1/4杯清酒與魚下巴拌勻,放進冰箱醃30分鐘。取出魚下巴,倒掉清酒,擦乾後用1小匙鹽抹勻醃30分鐘。 |
3. | 烤箱預熱500˚F(260˚C)。 |
4. | 烤盤刷些油再放鮭魚下巴。將烤箱溫度轉為上火500˚F(260˚C),再把烤盤放進烤箱中層烤熟並表皮酥脆,大約10分鐘。 |

1. | Chop the fish heads in halves (horizontally). Cut off the upper part, gills and fins. You only want the collar part. (You can ask your fish vendor to do this for you.) |
2. | Prepare the Japanese Salt Flavor Marinade . Mix the salmon collar with 1/4 cup of sake wine and store in the fridge for 30 minutes. Remove the salmon collar from the fridge and discard the sake. Pat dry it with paper towels. Spread 1 tsp. of salt all over the salmon collar and marinate in the fridge for 30 minutes. |
3. | Preheat the oven to 500˚F(260˚C). |
4. | Place the salmon collar on a oiled rack. Turn the heat to broil 500˚F(260˚C). Place the baking pan in the middle of the oven and broil until the salmon is done and the skin is crispy, approx. 10 minutes. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/28/2020
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