材料 Ingredients
1. | 牛肉切成6cm粗條。洋蔥也切成粗絲。 |
2. | 將黑椒醬汁準備好。 |
3. | 將牛肉用基本醃料醃15分鐘﹐要炒之前加入 1 大匙油拌勻。 |
4. | 炒鍋燒熱後加入2大匙油。加入肉條快炒至肉變色約 6 分熟。盛出牛肉放在一旁。 |
5. | 原鍋加入黑椒醬汁A料爆香。 |
6. | 加入牛肉和黑椒醬汁B料(保留沉澱的芡粉)拌炒。加入留下的芡粉汁使醬汁變稠﹐一次加一點。芡粉汁不一定要全部用完﹐醬汁稠度是隨個人喜好自行調整。趁熱食用。 |

1. | Cut the beef into 2.5" thick strips. Cut the onion into the same size. |
2. | Prepare the Black Pepper Sauce. |
3. | Marinate the beef with Dark Basic Marinade for 20 minutes. Mix in 1 tbs of oil before sautéing. |
4. | Heat 2 tbs of oil in a wok. Add the beef strips and sauté until the beef turns white, approx 60% done. Set the beef aside. |
5. | Add the Black Pepper Sauce part A in the same wok and sauté until aromatic. |
6. | Add the Black Pepper Sauce part B (reserve the bottom part with starch) and mix. Add the reserved starch. Add a little at a time until reaching desired thickness. Serve hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/09/2013
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