材料 Ingredients
1. | 將蝦用水沖洗後抽掉砂腸﹐確定所有的黏液都沖洗掉。用紙巾將蝦擦得非常乾這樣炒的蝦才會脆。 |
2. | 蘆筍洗乾淨後削去底部較老的皮。將蘆筍斜切成 5cm 小段。 |
3. | 將清炒醬汁準備好。 |
4. | 將蝦用基本醃料在冰箱內醃15分鐘﹐讓水份收乾。 |
5. | 鍋燒熱後加入2 大匙油。放進蝦仁用大火炒到蝦仁開始變白。盛出蝦仁放在一旁。 |
6. | 原鍋內燒熱 1 大匙油。加入蘆筍快炒 1 分鐘。 |
7. | 加入清炒醬汁與蝦仁拌炒到醬汁變稠即可。 |

1. | Wash and devine the shrimps. Make sure that all the mucus on the shrimps are gone. Thoroughly dry them with paper towels. |
2. | Wash the asparagus and peel off the tough skin of the bottom. Diagonally cut them into 2" segments. |
3. | Prepare the Light Sauté Sauce. |
4. | Marinate the shrimps in a fridge with Light Basic Marinade for 15 minutes. |
5. | Add 2 tbs. of oil in a heated wok. Add the Shrimps and sauté in high heat until they start to turn white. Set the shrimps aside. |
6. | Heat 1 tbs. of oil in the same wok. Stir in the asparagus and sauté for 1 minute. |
7. | Add the Light Sauté Sauce and sauté until the sauce is thick. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/12/2013
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