椒麻青椒炒雙菇 Sautéed Green Peppers and Mushrooms with a Chili Pepper Sauce

材料 Ingredients
青椒 Green pepper 1 個 ea.
松柳菇 Beech mushroom1 包 pack
乾香菇 dried Shitake Mushroom 6 朵 ea
椒麻醬汁 Chili Pepper Sauce 1 份 portion


1.Wash the green pepper and julienne it into 2" slices. Wash the beech mushrooms and dry them immediately. Cut the bottom of each beech mushroom off and separate each individual mushroom. Soak the mushrooms in water until they are soft. Finely julienne the mushrooms.
2.Prepare the Chili Pepper Sauce ingredients. Finely julienne the ginger and red chili pepper. Slice the garlic.
3.Heat a wok. Add the ingredients from Part A of the Chili Pepper Sauce recipe and sauté until aromatic. Add the mushrooms and continue cooking until the mushrooms are done.
4.Add the green pepper, beech mushrooms and the ingredients from Part B of the Chili Pepper Sauce recipe. Stir-fry the mixture for another 30 seconds. Serve hot.

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/22/2013  
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