黃瓜條 Baby Cucumber Strips |
熟蝦 Cooked Shrimps |
滷香菇 Cooked Shitake Mushrooms |
烤鰻魚 Grilled Eel |
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滷干瓢 Cooked Gourd Shavings |
蟹棒沙拉 Imitation Crab Salad |
蟹棒 Crab Stick |
酪梨 Avocado |
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握壽司蝦 Shrimps for Nigiri Sushi |
握壽司蛋片 Sliced Egg for Nigiri |
握壽司生魚片 Raw Fish for Nigiri |
握壽司鰻魚片 Sliced Eel for Nigiri |
黃瓜條 Baby Cucumber Strips
材料 Ingredients
1. | 小黃瓜洗乾淨後頭尾切掉,再直切成4條。橫切每一條黃瓜將籽去掉。再將每一條直切成2條。 |
2. | 將1/4小匙鹽与黃瓜拌勻後冷藏備用。 |
1. | Wash the baby cucumbers and cut off the ends of each cucumber. Cut each cucumber lengthwise into four strips. Horizontally cut off the seeds of each cucumber strip. Then cut each cucumber strip lengthwise into two. |
2. | Mix ¼ tsp of salt with the cucumbers. Store them in a refrigerator. |

熟蝦 Cooked Shrimp
材料 Ingredients
將冷凍蝦照包裝指示解凍。檸檬洗乾淨後切成薄片。將蝦和檸檬片混合後放進冰箱冷藏。 |
Defrost the frozen shrimp by following the Instructions on the package. Wash and slice the lemon. Mix the shrimp and the lemon slices and store them in a refrigerator. |

滷香菇 Cooked Shitake Mushrooms
材料 Ingredients
1. | 把香菇在水裡泡軟。 |
2. | 將醬油,糖,酒和水在一個小鍋裡燒滾後加入香菇。加蓋用中小火煮到醬汁收乾。 |
3. | 把香菇放在濾網上濾乾後去蒂切成細絲。後放進冰箱冷藏。。 |
1. | Soak the shitake mushrooms in water until they are soft. |
2. | Place the soy sauce, sugar, rice wine and water in a pot and bring the mixture to a boil. Add the shitake mushrooms and cook at medium-low heat until the sauce is almost gone. |
3. | Drain the mushrooms. Remove the stem of each mushroom and cut it into thin strips. Store them in a refrigerator. |

烤鰻魚 Grilled Eel
材料 Ingredients
1. | 把鰻魚解凍後放進烤箱用 400˚F(205˚C) 烤10分鐘。 |
2. | 等鰻魚涼下來後切成粗條,放進冰箱冷藏。 |
1. | Defrost the frozen eel. Bake it in an oven at 400˚F(205˚C) for 10 minutes. |
2. | After the eel has cooled down, cut it into thick strips. Store in a refrigerator. |

滷干瓢 Cooked Gourd Shavings
材料 Ingredients
1. | 把乾干瓢在水裡泡軟,約10分鐘。濾去水份後加1/2小匙鹽搓揉。再用水沖洗掉鹽份。 |
2. | 將醬油,糖,酒和水在一個小鍋裡燒滾後加入干瓢。加蓋用中小火煮到醬汁收乾。 |
3. | 把干瓢切成18cm長條後放進冰箱冷藏。。 |
1. | Soak the gourd shavings in water until they are soft, approx. 10 minutes. Drain the water and rub the gourd shavings with ½ tsp of salt. Rinse off the salt with running water. |
2. | Place the soy sauce, sugar, rice wine and water in a pot and bring the mixture to a boil. Add the gourd shavings and cooking at medium-low heat until the sauce is almost gone. |
3. | Cut the gourd shavings into 7" strips. Store them in a refrigerator. |

握壽司蛋片 Sliced Egg for Nigiri
材料 Ingredients
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Note: You can replace 3.5 tbs. of bonito stock with 3.5 tbs. of water plus 0.5 tsp of Japanese dashi powder.
1. | 將所有材料放進一個大碗裡打散。 |
2. | 長方型平底鍋燒熱。 將一張紙巾折成小塊,沾油均勻地塗在鍋子上。 |
3. | 倒入一杓蛋液到鍋裡,集中在鍋子的一半,用小火煎成蛋皮,若有氣泡產生,用筷子將之戳破。再倒入一杓蛋液,將煎好的蛋皮提起來,讓蛋液滲到蛋皮下。用小火煎熟後將蛋皮對折。 |
4. | 用紙巾沾油塗在鍋子上,再倒入一杓蛋液,將煎好的蛋捲提起來,讓蛋液滲到蛋皮下。用小火煎熟後將蛋皮對折。重複此步驟直到蛋液用完。 |
5. | 待蛋捲稍微涼下來以後橫向切成小塊0.75cm/0.3"厚片。 |

1. | Place all the ingredients in a big bowl and beat the eggs. |
2. | Heat a rectangular pan. Fold a paper towel into a small square. Soak the folded paper towel in oil and use it to oil the bottom of the pan. |
3. | Add one ladle of the egg mixture to the pan - let the eggs spread half of the pan. Pan-fry over low heat until done. Use a chopstick to break any bubbles while the egg is cooking. Add one more ladle of the egg - lift the cooked egg sheet a little so the egg mixture goes underneath it. Continue to cook until the egg is done. Fold the egg sheet in half. |
4. | Use the paper towel to oil the pan again. Add one ladle of the egg - lift the egg roll a little to let the egg mixture go underneath it. Cook over low heat until done then fold the egg in half. Repeat this step until all the egg mixture is used. |
5. | Once the egg roll cools down, cut it crosswise into 0.75cm/0.3" thick slices. |
蟹棒 Crab Stick
材料 Ingredients
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把濕紙巾覆蓋煮蟹棒,放進微波爐微40秒即可。 |
Cover crab sticks with wet paper towels. Microwave the crab sticks for 40 seconds. |

酪梨 Avocado
材料 Ingredients
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切開酪梨去掉核後用湯匙將果肉整顆挖出。酪梨切成粗條。半個檸檬擠汁與酪梨輕輕拌勻以減緩氧化發黑。 |
Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Use a spoon to scoop out the flesh whole. Cut the flesh into thick strips. Squeeze the lemon then gently coat the avocado with the juice to slow the browning process. |

握壽司蝦 Shrimps for Nigiri Sushi
材料 Ingredients
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1. | 剪開蝦背,抽出泥腸,再剪除尾巴的尖刺。 |
2. | 每隻蝦用一根竹籤從頭部穿過至尾部讓蝦變直。 |
3. | 煮開1小鍋水。放進蝦子用中小火煮熟,約2分鐘。 |
4. | 取出蝦子,拔掉竹籤後剝去蝦殼。 |
5. | 每隻蝦從背部切開但不要切斷,將蝦攤平。 |