材料 Ingredients
1. | 將豆腐橫面切開後再切成三角型狀。杏鮑菇用水沖洗後馬上擦乾,再切成小塊。 | 2. | 將宮保醬汁準備好。 |
3. | 平底鍋內將3大匙油燒熱﹐把豆腐一塊一塊放進鍋內用中火煎黃。翻面將另一面也煎黃。豆腐要入鍋前先在紙巾上按一下﹐以免油遇水會濺爆。將豆腐盛出備用。 |
4. | 原鍋內加入宮保醬汁A料炒香到乾辣椒開始變黑,加入煎好的豆腐和杏鮑菇略拌數下。 |
5. | 加入宮保醬汁B料拌炒到醬汁變稠。 |

1. | Horizontally cut the tofu in half, then cut them into small triangle pieces. Wash and dry the king trumpet mushrooms. Cut them into small chunks. | 2. | Prepare the Chili Pepper & Garlic Sauce. |
3. | Heat 3 tbs of oil in a pan. Add the tofu one by one, pan-fry them at medium heat until they are golden brown on both sides. Press each tofu on a paper towel before being placed in the pan to avoid oil spilling. Set the cooked tofu aside. |
4. | Heat the Part A ingredients from the Chili Pepper & Garlic Sauce recipe in the same pan and sauté until aromatic. Add the mushrooms and fried tofu and stir several times. |
5. | Add the Part B ingredients from the Chili Pepper & Garlic Sauce recipe to the pan. Sauté until the sauce becomes thick. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/07/2013©
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