章魚燒內餡/配料 Fillings/Toppings for Takoyaki

內餡 Filling

章魚丁 天婦羅屑 蔥花 蝦粉
Diced Boiled Octopus
Tekansu (Tempura Scraps)
Minced Scallions
Shrimp Powers
玉米 日式紅薑 包心菜丁
玉米粒 Corn Kernels 日式紅薑
Beni Shoga (Red Pickled Ginger
Diced Cabbage

配料 Topping

柴魚屑 海苔粉 紫菜絲
Bonito Flakes
Aonori (Seaweed Powder)
Shredded Seaweed

熟章魚丁 Diced Boiled Octopus

材料 Ingredients
章魚 Octopus 1/3 磅 lb (150 g)
水 Water 4 杯 cup

做法: 4杯水燒開後放進章魚煮1分鐘。熄火,加蓋燜5分鐘。撈出章魚用冷水沖涼後切成小塊。

PROCEDURE: Boil 4 cups of water in a pot. Add the octopus and cook for 1 minute. Turn off the heat. Cover the pot and wait for 5 minutes. Take out the octopus and rinse it under running water. Cut the octopus into small pieces.

天婦羅屑 Tekansu (Tempura Scraps)

材料 Ingredients
天婦羅麵粉糊 Tempura batter 適量 Proper amount
炸油 Oil for deep-frying適量 Proper amount

做法: 將油燒熱到 325F° (160°C)。用打蛋器沾些麵糊撒在油上,炸酥撈出來放在紙巾上吸去多餘的油。

PROCEDURE: Heat the oil to 325°F (160°C). Use a whisk to sprinkle some Tempura Batter on the oil. Deep-frying until the batter becomes crispy. Transfer the tempura scraps onto paper towels to absorb the excessive oil.

蔥花 Minced Scallions

材料 Ingredients
青蔥 Scallion 2 支 stalk

做法: 青蔥洗乾淨後切成小粒即可。

PROCEDURE: Wash and mince the scallions.

蝦粉 Shrimp Powders

材料 Ingredients
蝦皮 Sakuarebi (Pink Dried Shrimp) 2 大匙 Tbs

做法: 將蝦皮放進乾鍋用中小火炒香。等冷卻後用食物處理機打成粉狀。

PROCEDURE: Pan-fry the dried shrimps without oil in a pan until aromatic. When the shrimps cool down, grind the shrimps in a grinder or food processor into powders.

日式紅薑 Beni Shoga (Red Pickled Ginger)

材料 Ingredients
醃漬紅薑 Red pickled ginger2 大匙 Tbs

做法: 見圖片市售的醃漬紅薑。如果要做餡料,請將紅薑切碎。

PROCEDURE: See picture below for the store-bought red pickled ginger. Mince the pickled ginger for filling.

海苔粉 Aonori (Seaweed Powders)

材料 Ingredients
包壽司紫菜 Nori for Shushi1 張 sheet

做法: 將紫菜放置在爐火(小火)距離8cm上方烘烤10秒鐘。如果你用的是新開封的紫菜,此步驟可以省略。把紫菜撕成小塊後用食物處理機打成粉狀。

PROCEDURE: Hold the nori sheet 3" above the low heat of a stove for 10 seconds to make it crispy. You can skip this step if the nori sheet is fresh from the package. Tear the nori sheet into small pieces and grind them in a grinder or food processor into powders.

紫菜絲 Shredded Seaweed

材料 Ingredients
包壽司紫菜 Nori for Shushi1 張 sheet

做法: 把紫菜放置在爐火(小火)距離8cm上方烘烤10秒鐘。如果你用的是新開封的紫菜,此步驟可以省略。將紫菜對剪成2片。2片疊在一起再對剪成4片,4片疊在一起再對剪成8片。8片疊在一起後剪成細絲。

PROCEDURE: Hold the nori sheet 3" above the low heat of a stove for 10 seconds to make it crispy. You can skip this step if the nori sheet is fresh from the package. Scissor the nori sheet into 2 equal pieces. Overlay the 2 pieces and Scissor them into 4 pieces. Overlay the 4 pieces and Scissor them into 8 pieces. Overlay the 8 pieces and Scissor them into thin strips.

包心菜丁 Diced Cabbage

材料 Ingredients
包心菜葉 Cabbage Leaf 4 葉 Leaf

做法: 把包心菜洗乾淨後切成小粒。

PROCEDURE: Wash and dice the cabbage leaves.

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/14/2013
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